
Joda-Time 1.1 released

Joda-Time provides a Java library for date and time handling including the ISO8601 standard. It completely replaces the JDK Date and Calendar classes, while still providing good integration. It is open-source software under the ASF2 license.

Version 1.1 has just been released. This release fixes some minor bugs in v1.0 and adds various useful new methods on existings classes. Highlights include:

  • new Partial class, allowing any group of datetime fields to be defined

  • new convenience methods for adding periods, such as plusDays(n) or minusHours(n)

  • YearMonthDay and TimeOfDay are now comparable

  • new methods to create a Period from two YearMonthDay or two TimeOfDay objects

  • new methods on Interval - gap, abuts and overlap

  • better handling of two digit years in formatting/parsing

  • added ISO formats for ordinal (dayOfYear) dates

And stay tuned for announcements about Hibernate and JSP integration!

Release notes:

Major features of Joda-Time

  • Easy to Use - Calendar makes accessing 'normal' dates difficult, due to the lack of simple methods. Joda-Time has straightforward field accessors. And the index of January is 1!

  • Extensible - Joda-Time supports multiple calendar systems via a plugin mechanism, which is much more extensible than the subclasses of Calendar. Currently supported calendars are ISO8601, GregorianJulian, Buddhist (Thai) and Coptic.

  • Comprehensive - Joda-Time includes classes for datetimes, dates without times, times without dates, intervals and time periods.

  • Advanced formatting - An advanced and extensible formatting mechanism is included, allowing input and output to string in a thread-safe manner.

  • Well documented. There is documentation in the form of a quick and full user guide, plus reference pages, FAQs and javadoc.

  • Tested. There is good test coverage, see the website, providing an assurance of quality.


As always, feedback is welcomed - whether bugs or reviews, good or bad! Only with input from the community can the library improve.

Joda-Time team

Posted by Stephen Colebourne 2005-08-11

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