

Kenneth MacCallum Bryan Matthews Vincent Tang

Links to get started

Present Functionality

  • Objects including spherical lenses, point light source, RBG imager, image light sources, triangular prisms, plano-aspheric lenses, surfaces defined by revolved or extruded 2D cubic splines.
  • Optical media: Vacuum, Borosilicate, BK7, SF10, F2 Flint glass, Magnesium Fluoride, Topas, Calcite, Metal, etc
  • Optical computation of reflection, refraction, absorption and transmission through birefringent materials with photons of arbitrary polarization (linear, circular, elliptical). Still needs test and debug.
  • Computation of light propagation through the system to generate simulated images
  • Basic class architecture for optical computations: photons, polarization, 3D vectors, complex math, etc

  • 3D visualization of optical system

  • UI Action infrastructure to allow simple addition of user functionality
  • Display and editing of object properties, positions and assembly hierarchy
  • Save and load designs in XML
  • Displaying and saving simulated image results
  • Automatic optimization of arbitrary parameters to achieve best focus

Near Term Goals and Beyond

  • Add object like more complex light sources (coherent, polarized, incoherent and combinations).

  • Develop a richer UI infrastructure to support typical use cases.

  • Compute the effect of typical manufacturing tolerances in lens and positioning.

Test Projects

  • There are bunch of test projects in the test_files directory of the jar file
  • You can also find them here

Skills that might help

  • File storage and loading, XML schema development. This is mostly done.
  • User interface design
  • Result rendering
  • 3D rendering of optical system
  • Development of new optical object types like grin lenses, apertures, gratings, etc.
  • Development of new light sources like Gaussian beams, etc
  • Artwork
  • Documentation/ Wiki
  • SourceForge project upkeep and management
  • Optical interaction physics and computation to include birefringence and to improve accuracy of results particularly with respect to photon polarization.
  • Maybe some aspects could even be compared to experimentation or on-paper analysis for verification purposes

Other Links


Wiki: Getting Started Developing
Wiki: How to run jOcular
Wiki: Shadow Photons
Wiki: Technical and Theoretical Stuff
Wiki: jOcular Help