
Release 1.7.4321 of JobScheduler now available

Releases 1.7.4321 of JobScheduler and the JADE Managed File Transfer Client are now available for download from our web site and from SourceForge (links are below).

These are maintenance releases with 53 bug-fixes and represent a tremendous effort on the part of the Development Team.

Behind the scenes we have introduced a new versioning and automatic build system that means that we can include corrections much more effectively and accurately than before. This is a significant step towards improving build quality – and will allow us to go forward with a series of interesting new features.

Feel free to give us feedback on current and planned releases. We very much appreciate input that will help us more effectively prioritize feature requests and bug-fixes.

We are also continuing with our ongoing push to improve the quality of our documentation. Since moving over to our new Knowledge Base we have been sorting and updating. Here again, we appreciate your input for corrections, comments and missing topics. In the next few weeks we will be opening the knowledge base for more active collaboration (e.g. voting, chat, commenting, editing) and are looking forward to your participation.

Please note that we will be providing support for versions 1.7 JobScheduler and JADE until the end of May 2016.

Download JobScheduler:
- SOS Berlin
- SourceForge
Download JADE:
- SOS Berlin
- SourceForge

For more detailed information please read our Release Notes.

Posted by Alan-A 2014-11-24

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