
JoBo / News: Recent posts

JoBo 1.4 beta available

1.4 beta now includes full HTTPS support (even when using a proxy server)

Posted by Daniel Matuschek 2002-05-27

HTTPS working :-)

The first working HTTPS code is in the CVS repository now. It should be finally released in Version 1.4
Today, HTTPS is working only for direct connections, not via proxy.

Posted by Daniel Matuschek 2002-04-09

New internal storage data structure

There is a new HashedMemoryTaskList that is a combination of a Hashlist and a Vector. It is very useful for downloading larger sites. There is no release with it included, but if you like you can check out the new version from CVS.

Posted by Daniel Matuschek 2001-07-31

JoBo 1.1 released

This release features only a few new features but mainly bug fixes.

Posted by Daniel Matuschek 2001-07-31

JoBo 1.0 released

I did it :-)
The first production release of JoBo is available. You can download it from the JoBo homepage: .

JoBo is now able to convert links which is useful for offline browsing.

Posted by Daniel Matuschek 2001-05-18

JoBo 1.0 release candidate available

After fixing some bug, JoBo 1.0 should be released in the next days. You can checkout the current release from CVS (Cookies now also work with Yahoo ;-)

Posted by Daniel Matuschek 2001-05-16

JoBo 0.9.9 released

Starting with version 0.9.9 there is also a Windows installer with an included Java 1.3 runtime.
There are no new features for end users, but
the internal architecture has changed a lot.

Posted by Daniel Matuschek 2001-04-19

Code redesign II

I'm still chaning big parts of JoBo and move classes to new packages.
If you plan to use JoBo as a base for your own spider, contact me to get more information what's going on (and give me some more days ...)

Posted by Daniel Matuschek 2001-04-18

Code redesign

All HTML processing has been moved from the httptools package to the new html package. If you are using the JoBo sources, you should get the new code from CVS. Release of a new version will take some more time.

Posted by Daniel Matuschek 2001-04-17

Support fpr HTTP/1.1

JoBo now uses HTTP/1.1. This feature is experimental and not included in the 0.9.8 release. Check out the CVS source to get it !

Posted by Daniel Matuschek 2001-04-05

JoBo 0.9.8 released

The cookie enabled JoBo version 0.9.8 is now available at the JoBo homepage

Posted by Daniel Matuschek 2001-04-05

JoBo now Cookie enabled

Now JoBo will also use cookies. That should allow automated handling web pages that use cookies for session handling. The new feature must be tested a little bit, so release of a new version will take some more time. But if you want to test it, you can checkout the source from CVS (CVS tarball will include cookie support tomorrow).

Posted by Daniel Matuschek 2001-04-03

JoBo 0.9.7 released

version 0.9.7 of JoBo has been released. Look at the JoBo homepage for downloads for Windows, MacOS and UNIX

Posted by Daniel Matuschek 2001-03-14