

J.F. Giulietti

About The Job Bank

The bartender story on the homepage summarizes the main goal of the Job Bank: to assist people in finding employment by linking them directly with local businesses and employers currently seeking to hire.

The Job Bank differs from other employment websites in that it is regional and installed by entities desiring to take active steps in curbing unemployment in their community. Some examples of entities utilizing the Job Bank are dioceses and incorporated villages.

How it Works:

The Incorporated Village of Metropolis is looking to assist its residents with finding employment. The board of trustees decide to install the Job Bank software. They then authorize the Metropolis town hall, the Daily Planet and the Metropolis police station to give out referrals. People who live in Metropolis and who are seeking work will go to one of these places and receive a referral code. They can then use that code during the registration process.

Companies in and around Metropolis looking to hire locally may also go to these same places and, likewise, receive a referral code.

After registering, Metropolis citizens seeking employment will complete an employee profile. This profile will contain a brief summary of their work experience and skills, their education level, job category, and their availability.

Employers who register with the Metropolis Job Bank will search for potential employees using the same criteria contained in the employee profiles. When they find a match, they can then reach out to the job seeker via private message. The identity of both the company or employer and the job seeker remain anonymous until they choose to carry the process further and exchange telephone numbers or email addresses.