
JNode: new Java Operating System / News: Recent posts

JNode 0.2.8 released

The JNode team is glad to announce the release of JNode 0.2.8.

JNode is a free, open source Java technology based operating system implemented in the Java language with a very small assembler nano-kernel.

The main focus of this release is general stability improvements and bug fixes and also reflects the current status of several major features in active development such as: isolates, Bjorne shell and complete support for HFS+. Significant progress has been made with the integration of the remaining parts of OpenJDK and the JNode class library has been updated to OpenJDK6 b13. JNode now builds with both JDK 1.6 and OpenJDK6+IceadTea and by the means of Linux and KVM it's possible to set up a well performing and completely free open source development and test environment. Mauve based regression testing is being introduced and various test-suites consolidated into a distributed automatic regression testing infrastructure. As a result of these activities real world applications and frameworks like Jetty, Quercus, Groovy, JEdit and many others are getting usable under JNode.... read more

Posted by Levente Santha 2009-02-03

JNode 0.2.7 released

The JNode team is proud to announce the release of JNode 0.2.7.

JNode is a free, open source Java technology based operating system implemented in the Java language with a very small assembler nano-kernel.

This release features the integration of the OpenJDK implementation of Swing and AWT, and significant improvements to the overall JNode GUI including improved painting and font rendering, generic VESA support and graphical console. The release also includes a new command argument framework for the shell, reworked shell commands, a configure tool for the JNode build environment, Samba file system with read/write support and many stability and bug fixes across the whole system.... read more

Posted by Levente Santha 2008-08-07

JNode 0.2.6 released

Heading towards to FOSDEM in Belgium the JNode team is proud to announce the release of JNode 0.2.6.

JNode is a free, open source Java technology based OS (Operating System) written fully in Java language (with a very small assembler nano-kernel).

This release features over 99 percent java 6 api compatibility, hotswapping, nfs, hfs+, even more openJDK integration, jetty6 and ofcourse bug fixes and improvements.... read more

Posted by Martin Husted Hartvig 2008-02-22

JNode 0.2.5 released

After nearly a year of hard work the JNode team is proud to announce the release of JNode 0.2.5, the new intermediary development version of the JNode operating system.

JNode is a free, open source Java technology base OS (Operating System) written fully in Java language (with a very small assembler nano-kernel).

This release features OpenJDK integration, Java 6 support, substantially impoved consoles, experimental support for isolates and a large set of bug fixes and improvements to all parts of the system, including better memory mamagement and increased performance.... read more

Posted by Martin Husted Hartvig 2007-09-27

Release of version 0.2.4

The JNode team is proud to announce the release of the version 0.2.4 of the operating system. is an open source java OS(Operating System) written fully in java (with a very small assembler nano-kernel).

This release features the first possibility of basic development uder jnode

Screenshots are available here:

New features & improvements in this release are:... read more

Posted by Martin Husted Hartvig 2006-10-07