
JMXCollector / News: Recent posts

jmxcollector 1.1 released!

version 1.1 2010-08-01
+Sample configuration for monitoring general JVM parameters
(Loaded Class Count, GarbageCollector last run duration(Copy,MarkSweepCompact),Heap memory usage, non heap memory usage,Operating system Free physical memory, Operating system Free swap space, JVM Thread Count,JVM Daemon Thread Count)
+Sample configuration for self monitoring (Total Started Query, Active Query Thread Count, Active Session Thread Count)
+JMXConf2NagiosConf.xsl file to simplifies the creation of Nagios passive checks configuration
+java_48x48.png for use in webpages

Posted by Attila Klapper 2010-08-01

First Release

jmxcollector for nagios 1.0 released!
Documentation, sample config files are coming soon...

Posted by Attila Klapper 2010-07-28