
jmove 0.7 available

jmove eases the understanding and valuation of the design and architecture of complex software written in java. It provides dependency analysis, metrics, design rule checking and impact analysis.

The release 0.7 is available now. Its new main feature is a gui application. This application is called 'jmover' and is intended to browser jmove models. At the moment 'jmover' provides the following features:

- import of jar files
- viewing dependencies amoung jar files
- viewing the package structure and dependencies between packages and types within the package view.
- inspecting structural informations and some metrics

This first version of jmover is not complete and has many restrictions (e.g. no source code analysis) at the moment. Please consult the jmover-help for an introduction to the usage of 'jmover'.

Posted by Axel Terfloth 2004-12-27

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