
jmonit / News: Recent posts

1.0-alpha-2 released

I'm pleased to annonce the 1.0-alpha-2 release of jMonit.

This version fixes some minor issues and cleanup on the Ajax Web UI.

Posted by nicolas de loof 2007-12-18

1.0-alpha-1 released

The first public alpha release is available.

Posted by nicolas de loof 2007-11-30

0.1.0 released

0.1.0 is the first public release of jMonit.

- public API has been designed and will not change without backward compatibility consideration.
- basic infrastructure allow simple monitoring of Java applications.
- web UI is available as a DashBoard to display monitoring status.

Next version (0.2) will focus on configuration and enhanced monitoring features.

Posted by nicolas de loof 2007-01-04