
#67 checker should have a single notion of nullity


Currently JmlFormalParameter has two fields (non_null
and nullable) when there should be only one.


  • Patrice Chalin

    Patrice Chalin - 2006-02-08
    • priority: 5 --> 8
    • summary: JmlFormalParameter should have a single notion of nullity --> checker should have a single notion of nullity
  • Patrice Chalin

    Patrice Chalin - 2006-02-08

    Logged In: YES

    Original title was "JmlFormalParameter should have a single
    notion of nullity". In fact the ISU tools should support a
    single notion of nullity.

    Support for nullable and non-null is not appropriately
    implemented. E.g. the AST is being altered to accommodate
    the new non_null_by_default instead of representing nullity
    inside other semantic objects (e.g. CType).

  • Patrice Chalin

    Patrice Chalin - 2006-02-11

    Logged In: YES

    I was hoping to be able to add support for non-null types in
    MJ by adding a node to the CType hierarchy that would
    represent a qualified type (a la C++). Unfortunately this
    would entail too many changes in the compiler. Hence, I
    will effectively be attaching a nullity attribute to
    declarations instead (unfortunately this will undoubtedly
    make it more challenging to support array types with
    non-null elements). Rather than add a new attribute I am
    making use of the modifiers class. In order to distinguish
    between a declaration being explicitly vs. implicitly
    declared non-null I have added a IMPLICITLY_NON_NULL flag
    (see further below for details).

    The following classes have been updated to support testing
    and setting of nullity:

    - JFieldDeclaration (MJ)
    - JLocalVariable (MJ) - also covers formal parameters.
    - JMethodDeclaration (MJ).

    Change to the ACC_* flags:

    - The JML nullity ACC_ flags have been moved to MJ.
    - The top 16 bits (out of 64) have been marked as "internal"
    flags -- i.e. those not corresponding to elements of the
    language syntax.
    - Defined an internal flag named IMPLICITLY_NON_NULL.

  • Patrice Chalin

    Patrice Chalin - 2006-02-11

    Logged In: YES

    Summary of commit to MJ on 2006-02-10:

    In directory org/multijava/mjc:
    - removed field and methods related to non-null (since we
    cannot introduce the notion of nullity for types).

    - added addModifiers and isNonNull().

    - added stripInternalMods().

    - removed method related to non-null.

    - added non-null ACC_* flags (from JML).

    - added isNonNull() and setNonNull().

    - added specs stating that export can be null.
    - guarded call to getMethod() by test for nullity of the
    field named "export" (this was a bug - it occurred in the
    context of RAC code generation for a class with an
    implicitly added default constructor).

    - added isNonNull() and setNonNull().
    - guarded internal call to overriddenMethodSet() by a test
    for the nullity (this was a bug).

    - added addModifiers().

  • Patrice Chalin

    Patrice Chalin - 2006-02-11

    Logged In: YES

    Summary of commit to JML2 on 2006-02-10:

    Note that in the case of class or interface methods (and
    their parameters), the nullity checks and adjustments (done
    by checkNullityAdjustType()) are done in checkInterface()
    which is invoked prior to typecheck(). This ensures that by
    the time we reach typecheck, we have already set the nullity
    qualifier of the return and parameter types of all supertype
    methods that a given method might happen to override.

    In directory org/jmlspecs/checker:
    - moved nullity modifiers to MJ Constants.

    - add cautions PARAMETER_NULLABLE_IN_SUPE and
    METHOD_NON_NULL_IN_SUPER (so that they will be ignored by
    the racrun tests during its compilation phase).

    - Removed all code that used to manipulate nullity modifiers
    based on class or system defaults.
    - jParameterDeclaration: now making use of long modifiers
    and the standard jModifiers because this is standard, and
    must cleaner. Note that jModifiers handles complaining
    about non-standard ordering.
    - Minor reformatting in jmlModifier.
    - Removed code that altered modifiers based on class or
    system level nullity defaults.
    - Added setNonNull().
    - Refactored typeckeck, distributing parts of the body into
    private methods.
    - Nullity checks and type adjustments are being done by new
    method checkNullityAdjustType().
    - Changed the constructor to make use of a modifiers
    argument (hence we can uniformly deal with the nullity
    - Added overriding checkInterface().
    - Removed isNull() and isNonNull(). To test the nullity
    modifiers use the usual hasFlag().
    - Changed modifierAsString() to make use of compiler modUtil.
    - Removed isNullable(). To test the nullity modifiers use
    the usual hasFlag(). To test if a member is meant to be
    non-null, either implicitly or explicitly use hasFlag with
    - Added checks of the appropriate use of nullity modifiers
    in checkClassModifiers, checkFieldModifiers,
    checkInterfaceFieldModifiers, checkMethodModifiers,
    - Adjusted invalid*Modifiers fields.
    - Removed checking of nullity modifiers (since we can not do
    any useful test by looking at the AST modifier flags alone).

    - Updated various message because they mentioned non_null
    but not nullable.
    - Added INVALID_PARAM_MODIFIER (since we no longer restrict
    formal parameter modifiers via the grammar).
    - Added checkNullityAdjustType(), ... which is called by
    - Added isNonNull(), and setNonNull().
    - Refactored typecheck by putting logical code chunks into
    private methods.
    - Added nullable modifier to specCases().
    - Removed code that did checks based on nullity modifiers
    based on modifiers bit masks.
    - I think that the method combineParameterModifiers() is
    unnecessary since we require that parameters of refined
    methods match exactly w.r.t. nullity. Rather than remove the
    code I am simply double checking that parameter nullity
    matches (and throw an exception if they do not). If the
    exception never gets thrown, then remove the method.
    - Updated javadoc to say that this class is used for bound
    variables in addition to local variables.
    - Moved nullity checking code into checkNullityAdjustType().
    - Adjustments due to the changes to JmlFormalParameter.
    - Adjustment to an expected error message (since it is now
    the default mj error message that is reported when parameter
    modifiers are out of order).
    - Only essential changes induced by those in the other
    classes (did not really test the stats feature yet).

    In directory org/jmlspecs/jmlrac:
    - Update due to change in signature to JmlFormalParameter().
    - In visitJmlFormalParameter(), replace if's by a singel
    call to modifiersAsString().
    - In the translate() method: checking if fields are declared
    non-null (either implicitly or explicitly).
    - Support for nullity modifiers as per latest semantics.

    In directory org/jmlspecs/jmlrac/testcase/racrun:
    * Added new tests:,,, These files are also used to
    generate "duals" - see GENERATED_TESTS in Makefile.
    * Added new tests:,
    - Added and/or adjusted rules for new GENERATED_TESTS.

    In directory org/jmlspecs/checker/testcase/typecheck:
    In directory org/jmlspecs/jmldoc/testcase/expected-141:
    In directory org/jmlspecs/jmldoc/testcase/expected-142:
    - Necessary updates to expected output.

  • Gary T. Leavens

    Gary T. Leavens - 2006-05-19
    • labels: 477027 --> checker (i.e., the jml tool)

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