
#59 Sudden problem running openJML


Hello all,

I have been lately using openJml for some time now. However, all of the sudden it has stopped working both in eclipse and from the command line.
I am running it on ubuntu 15.10, and I pretty sure that I have selected openjdk 1.7 as the java to use.

The error message I get, is

/home/nikos/programs/openjml/openjml.jar(specs17/java/lang/Class.jml):31: error: The method java.lang.Class.Class() is a Java method (neither ghost nor model) but does not match any methods in the corresponding Java class.
private Class();
1 error

No other error messages are displayed. It is (I think) the same as the error message i get from eclipse:

/home/nikos/programs/eclipse/configuration/org.eclipse.osgi/1393/0/.cp/java6/java/lang/Class.jml:31: error: The method java.lang.Class.Class() is a Java method (neither ghost nor model) but does not match any methods in the corresponding Java class.
private Class();
[12.15] Completed with errors

No, other errors exists, i.e. complaining that I have a newer version then 1.7 and the crazy thing is it used to work just fine a couple of days ago.

Any help would be most welcome as I am on a dead line and cannot see to be able to find a way around it. (removed all installed java engines from pc and re-installed etc... )

Thanks in advance,



  • Mattis Kancans Envall

    Nikos, did you download a new version of JML or something?

    I'm trying to install JML too, and get the same error:

    $java -jar openjml/openjml.jar src/ 
    openjml/openjml.jar(specs17/java/lang/Class.jml):31: error: The method java.lang.Class.Class() is a Java method (neither ghost nor model) but does not match any methods in the corresponding Java class.
        private Class();
    1 error

    Java version:

     $java -version
    java version "1.7.0_91"
    OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 2.6.2) (Arch Linux build 7.u91_2.6.2-1-x86_64)
    OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.91-b01, mixed mode)

    I've also tried in a Docker container with the same error.


    Last edit: Mattis Kancans Envall 2015-11-17
  • Marcelo Cohen

    Marcelo Cohen - 2015-11-23


    Just to add that I've seen the same error. Have just downloaded and installed OpenJML 0.6.3 as an Eclipse plugin.

    Running Mint 17.2 here, java version 1.7.0_82, Eclipse Mars.

    Also tried on command line, same result. So it's unrelated to Eclipse integration.


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