
#72 JML checker doesn't say what methods must be overridden


Let's take this example. I think everything is fine but I
don't understand why:

1) jml and jmlc are not complaining about the due
overriding of Add(Object o) in MyCountedSet. Since
there's a new variable which depends on objects
(cardinality is in its data group) it must be updated
everytime objects is assignable, mustn't it?

2)when I execute Sets.Main no excetption is thrown
even if cardinality!=objects.size()

Thanx in advance -Riccardo-



package Sets

//@model import org.jmlspecs.models.*;

public class MySet{

//@public model JMLObjectSet objects;

//@public invariant objects!=null;

//@public normal_behavior
//@ assignable objects;
//@ ensures o!=null ==> objects.has(o);
public void Add(Object o);

//@public normal_behavior
//@ assignable objects;
//@ ensures s!=null ==> (\forall Object o;s.objects.has
public void AddAll(MySet s);



package Sets;

//@refine "MySet.jml";

import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;

//@ model import org.jmlspecs.models.*;

public class MySet{

protected HashSet hidden_representation;
//@ in objects;
//@ maps
hidden_representation.theSet \into objects;

//@protected represents objects <-

public void Add(Object o){

public void AddAll(MySet s){
Iterator iter=s.hidden_representation.iterator();

public MySet(){
hidden_representation=new HashSet();


package Sets;

public class MyCountedSet extends MySet{

//@ public model int cardinality;
//@ in objects;

protected int number_of_elements;
//@ in cardinality;

//@ protected represents cardinality <-
//@ public represents objects \such_that

//@ public normal_behavior
//@ ensures \result==cardinality;
public /*@ pure @*/ int cardinality(){
return number_of_elements;



package Sets;

public class Main{

public static void main(String[] args) throws{
MyCountedSet mcs=new MyCountedSet();
System.out.println("Adding a new object to a newly
created MyCountedSet");
mcs.Add(new Object());




  • Gary T. Leavens

    Gary T. Leavens - 2003-11-14

    Logged In: YES

    Hi Ricardo,

    Problem 1 occurs because JML's support for checking
    assignable clauses doesn't yet deal with maps \into. That is
    it doesn't handle dynamic dependencies. We plan to do that,
    but it will take a while.

    Problem 2 happens because I don't think the runtime
    assertion checker deals with the \such_that form of
    represents clauses yet. You could use an invariant instead,
    and it would give an error on this example, I think.

    I'm chaning this to a feature request. Thanks for the nice

  • Gary T. Leavens

    Gary T. Leavens - 2003-11-14
    • milestone: 248387 -->
  • Gary T. Leavens

    Gary T. Leavens - 2003-11-14
    • labels: --> checker (i.e., the jml tool)
    • milestone: --> user_reported
    • assigned_to: nobody --> cruby
    • summary: Error in specification? --> JML checker doesn't check dynamic dependencies
  • Riccardo Casero

    Riccardo Casero - 2003-11-14

    Logged In: YES

    I'm not sure I understand your request. Can you provide more
    information and/or an example?

  • Riccardo Casero

    Riccardo Casero - 2003-11-14

    Logged In: YES

    Thanks for your quick answer! Regarding problem2 you're
    right: if I state the same condition in an invariant like

    //@ public invariant objects.size()==cardinality;

    in I get an exception.

    But regarding the first problem I don't think it's a matter of
    dynamic dependencies. In fact take this simplified version of
    the same problem:

    package Test;

    public class Number {
    //@public model double number;

    protected double n;
    //@ in number;

    //@ represents number <- n;

    /*@ public normal_behavior
    @ ensures number==x;
    @ assignable number; @*/
    public Number(double x){

    /*@ public normal_behavior
    @ ensures number==(2*\old(number));
    @ assignable number; @*/
    public void Double(){

    /*@ public normal_behavior
    @ ensures \result == number; @*/
    public /*@ pure @*/ double Value(){
    return n;

    public void method1(){

    public void method2(){



    package Test;

    public class Number2 extends Number{

    protected /*@ spec_public @*/ double double_n;
    //@ in number;

    //@protected represents number <- (double_n/2);

    /*@ public normal_behavior
    @ ensures number==x;
    @ assignable number; @*/
    public Number2(double x){

    public void method1(){



    In this case there's no dynamic dependence. Still when I
    jmlcompile the fact that I should override Double
    () in order to make it update the value of double_n is not
    signalled. What I'm trying to understand is whether jml is
    checking that Double() override in Number2 has "additional
    side effects" or not.

    In addition in this example I put the method1() and method2
    () methods to force a callback cycle, but it went undetected.

    Thanks -Riccardo-

  • Gary T. Leavens

    Gary T. Leavens - 2003-11-16

    Logged In: YES

    You are right that JML does not yet enforce the rules the
    Clyde Ruby and I wrote about in OOPSLA 2000 for what
    methods must be overridden in subclasses. Clyde Ruby
    hasn't implemented tools to complain about what methods
    should be overriden yet, although he's working on that.

    So JML's current static analysis isn't going to detect that
    Double should be overridden in Number2. But you do get a
    runtime assertion failure if you call Double on a Number2
    object in this latest example. The postcondition of Double
    doesn't hold.

  • Gary T. Leavens

    Gary T. Leavens - 2003-11-16
    • summary: JML checker doesn't check dynamic dependencies --> JML checker doesn't say what methods must be overridden

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