
#141 Allowing JML specs in Java5 annotations


In the long run, it might be interesting to allow JML
annotations to be expressed not only as specially
formatted comments (i.e. /*@ requires foo; */), but
also as Java5 Annotations (i.e. @JML("requires foo;").

This might make parsing annotated code / tool support /
integration into tools easier (and thus more likely to
happen :) ).

Probably not something that can be done right now
though, as i think JML annotations are allowed in some
places where Java5 annotations are allowed (yet).


  • Arnout Engelen

    Arnout Engelen - 2006-10-22
    • labels: --> Design of the JML language
    • priority: 5 --> 3
  • Joseph Kiniry

    Joseph Kiniry - 2006-10-22

    Logged In: YES

    Robby should chirp up and give his impressions of this use
    of annotations. I think he has some pretty strong (and
    negative) experiences with such.

    I think that Curt's students may also experiment with this

    Personally, I think that Java 5's annotations are poorly
    designed and implemented and, at the source level, are
    inappropriate for rich annotations. On the other hand, the
    annotation support at the bytecode level should be leveraged.

  • Gary T. Leavens

    Gary T. Leavens - 2006-10-22
    • milestone: --> user_reported
    • assigned_to: nobody --> netgecko
  • Gary T. Leavens

    Gary T. Leavens - 2006-10-22

    Logged In: YES

    Kristina Boysen, a student of mine, is actively working on
    exploring how to do this for her master's thesis.
    So I'm assigning this request to her, and in the future we
    will see a proposal and tools about this.

    For the record, Mark Utting also suggested something along
    these lines quite a while (1/2 year?) ago.


  • Gary T. Leavens

    Gary T. Leavens - 2006-12-06
    • assigned_to: netgecko --> kboysen

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