
JMidoriService (Java Midori Service) / News: Recent posts

JMidoriService (SDK to write Windows Service in Java) 2.0.0

JMidoriService (SDK to write Windows Service in Java) 2.0.0 released.

JMidoriService is the middleware to make Java application work as a Windows XP/2000/NT4.0 service. It has coped with the problem that a service is suspended since the Windows user who generally tends to cause a trouble logs off.

1.It is enabled to make the existing Java application as the "service application" in a control panel of Windows.
2.You can develop "The program which carries out permanent residence operation even if user does not log in to Windows2000/NT"
3.License : GNU LGPL license
4.Under Java2 SDK 1.3.0/1.4.0 environment, at the logoff timing of Windows2000/NT user causes Java application service abort problem was already fixed. ... read more

Posted by Midori IGA 2003-02-25