
JMichelle (Java Midori Shell) / News: Recent posts

JMichelleSui 1.0.0 released. (File Manager in Java and SWT)

JMichelleSui is a File Manager written in Java and SWT.
1.J2SE 1.4.0 (or later) and SWT 2122 (in Eclipse 2.1M4) is required.
2.URI (RFC 2396) based directory and file implementation.
3.Transparent ftp client.
(includes ftp connection pooling. contains timeout function)
4.Drag & Drop and Clipboard availability.
5.Simple and fast UI.
6.License : GNU LGPL or IBM CPL, or both.

Changes: 1.0.0 (2003/02/11)
1.refactoring: refactoring JMMenuEdit.
2.refactoring: JMDataModelInterface is created.
3.refactoring: rename:

Posted by Midori IGA 2003-02-11

JMichelleSui 0.9.9 released. (File Manager in Java and SWT)

JMichelleSui is a File Manager written in Java and SWT.
1.J2SE 1.4.0 (or later) and SWT 2122 (in Eclipse 2.1M4) is required.
2.URI (RFC 2396) based directory and file implementation.
3.Transparent ftp client.
(includes ftp connection pooling. contains timeout function)
4.Drag & Drop and Clipboard availability.
5.Simple and fast UI.
6.License : GNU LGPL or IBM CPL, or both.

Changes: 0.9.9 (2003/01/21) search menu is added.
(edit menu or other functions is not implemented) change short cut: [Edit] &Send -> Se&nd , &New -> Ne&w , &Start -> Start , &Home -> Home
3.copy: from ftp, when permission is denied ftp connection leakes, is fixed.
4.table: newly created.
5.refactoring: InputDialog parameter is refactored.
6.refactoring: menu [edit] is refactored.
7.image converter is added.

Posted by Midori IGA 2003-01-20

JMichelleSui 0.9.8 released. (File Manager in Java and SWT)

JMichelleSui is a File Manager written in Java and SWT.
1.J2SE 1.4.0 (or later) and SWT 2122 (in Eclipse 2.1M4) is required.
2.URI (RFC 2396) based directory and file implementation.
3.Transparent ftp client.
(includes ftp connection pooling. contains timeout function)
4.Drag & Drop and Clipboard availability.
5.Simple and fast UI.
6.License : GNU LGPL or IBM CPL, or both.

Changes: 0.9.8 (2003/01/11)
1.tree: refresh: skip once magic code for avoid message in repaint is fixed.
2.clipboard: native jmichelle clipboard is added.
(but drag files and UriFileTableEx into native clipboard is not implemented.)
3.copy: copy from tree item is implemented.
4.sort: when size order, sort order default changed into desc order.
5.delete: implement to display delete target files. util->archive->zip is added.

Posted by Midori IGA 2003-01-11

JMichelleSui 0.9.7 released. (File Manager in Java and SWT)

JMichelleSui is a File Manager written in Java and SWT.
J2SE 1.4.0 (or later) and SWT 2122 (in Eclipse 2.1M4) is required. URI (RFC 2396) based directory and file implementation. Transparent ftp client (includes ftp connection pooling. contains timeout function). Drag & Drop and Clipboard availability. Simple and fast UI.

7.License : GNU LGPL or IBM CPL, or both

Changes: 0.9.7 (2003/01/01)
1.crush dump logging is added.
2.ProgressDialog.setMaximum() is added for display detail progress.
3.when file copy, show transfer rate.
4.move menuitem from View->Move into Open.
5.add home directory and start directory into Favor list.
6.add menu to show memory status on ? menu. SWT version when launch JMichelleSui.
8.try to use SWT 2122
9.dump stack trace into file when exception or error occured.
10.add menu to move parent directory.
11.ftp connect fail causes NPE, is fixed.
12.copy: show detail about files to copy.

Posted by Midori IGA 2003-01-01

JMichelleSui, file manager in Java and SWT, first release!

JMichelleSui, file manager written in Java and SWT, first stable release is released.

*SWT is GUI wigit components developed by Eclipse.

Posted by Midori IGA 2002-12-14

JMichelleSui, file manager written in Java and SWT, began..

JMichelleSui, file manager written in Java and SWT, start to develop.
*SWT is GUI wigit components developed by Eclipse.

Posted by Toshiki IGA 2002-11-28

CVS repository is started.

JMichelle's CVS repository is started.
Module name is 'jmichelle'. This repository is besed on 0.8.9-4.

To connect CVS is below.
cvs login
cvs -z3 co jmichelle

Posted by Toshiki IGA 2000-10-09

test from A-san

It is no use crying over spilt milk.

Posted by Yoshinori WATANABE 2000-10-04