
jMechanic / News: Recent posts

jMechanic Profiler Plugin for Eclipse Version 0.6.0

Version 0.6.0 of the jMechanic profiler plugin for Eclipse has been released. The new version includes the following major changes:

- Support for Eclipse version 3.0 (Bug 869022)
- Export of data to CSV files from views. (Thanks to Brian Guan)
- Inverse Heap Dump View (Thanks to Russell Black)
- Heap reference graph view (Thanks to Russell Black)
- Port selection not updated (Bug 911498)
- Minor changes to the record pump handling (Bug 911464)
- Clean up dual launch of HPROF listener (Bug 911572)... read more

Posted by Craig Setera 2004-06-21

jMechanic Profiler Plugin for Eclipse Version 0.5.5

Version 0.5.5 of the jMechanic profiler plugin for Eclipse has been released. The new version includes the following major changes:

- Fixes for profiler enablement when application is run versus debugged.
- Support for profiling of runtime workbench instances.

More information can be found in the plugin help and on the project website at

Look for future releases to include:... read more

Posted by Craig Setera 2003-07-23

jMechanic Profiler Plugin for Eclipse Version 0.5.2

Version 0.5.2 of the jMechanic profiler plugin for Eclipse has been released. The new version includes the following major changes:

- Support for JDK 1.4.2

More information can be found in the plugin help and on the project website at

Look for future releases to include:

- Profiling of runtime workbenches.
- Improved heap dump view tools.
- Enhanced visualizations.... read more

Posted by Craig Setera 2003-07-10

Bugfix release 0.5.1

There is a new bug-fix release. There are no new features in this release.

04/08/2003 - Version 0.5.1
- Fix for bug 716847 (
- Fix for bug 717392 (

Posted by Craig Setera 2003-04-09

jMechanic Profiler Plugin for Eclipse Version 0.5.0

Version 0.5.0 of the jMechanic profiler plugin for Eclipse has been released. The new version includes the following major changes:

- Added support for defining filters in the launch configuration.
- Added support for persisting launch configuration filters.
- Added support for remote application profiling.

More information can be found in the plugin help and on the project website at ... read more

Posted by Craig Setera 2003-04-07

jMechanic Profiler Plugin for Eclipse Version 0.4.8

Version 0.4.8 of the jMechanic profiler plugin for Eclipse has been released. The new version includes the following major changes:

- Initial filtering support for CPU Snapshots and Heap Allocation Sites.

More information can be found in the plugin help and on the project website at Look for future releases to include:

- Better support for filtering.
- Improved heap dump view tools.
- Profiling of remote applications.
- Enhanced visualizations.... read more

Posted by Craig Setera 2003-03-09

Bugfix release 0.4.6

There is a new bug-fix release. There are no new features in this release.

01/30/2003 - Version 0.4.6
- Add exports clause to plugin.xml so other plugins may access classes in
the plugin.
- Fix dumb regression in the launch support that could cause an error
trying to launch the HPROF agent in certain cases.

Posted by Craig Setera 2003-01-31

jMechanic Profiler Plugin for Eclipse Version 0.4.5

Version 0.4.5 of the jMechanic profiler plugin for Eclipse has been released. The new version includes the following major changes:

- Removed an unintended Swing popup menu in Heap Summary view that would cause hang
- Added a Heap Dump view in which the complete contents of the heap may be traversed
- Added new ProfilingLaunchSupport class in the jmechanic.eclipse.profiler.launching package to aid others interested in adding jMechanic support to their plugin
- Allow profiling to be used when in Run mode and not just Debug... read more

Posted by Craig Setera 2003-01-29

jMechanic source released into Sourceforge CVS

The jMechanic source code has been moved into Sourceforge CVS and the 0.4.0 version has been tagged. Development will continue using Sourceforge's CVS repository.

Posted by Craig Setera 2003-01-08

jMechanic Version 0.4.0 Released

A new version of the jMechanic plugin for Eclipse has been released. The new version includes the following major changes:

- Addition of Heap Allocation Sites View
- Addition of column sorting in the table tree views
- Addition of preferences for stack depth and cutoff ratio
- Better handling of "Dump on Exit" functionality
- Save of view state information (sort, etc.)
- Source code availability under Academic Free License

Posted by Craig Setera 2003-01-06

jMechanic Version 0.3.0 Released

Version 0.3.0 of the jMechanic Profiler plugin for the Eclipse development environment is released. This initial release provides support for monitoring Java Heap Summaries and taking snapshots of CPU sampling. These tools allow the Java developer access to the inner workings of their application from which they can tune the performance.

Later releases will add access to more performance data, as well as more options for the Eclipse views available in this release.

Posted by Craig Setera 2002-12-09