
jMDFLib / Blog: Recent posts

Flattr has arrived

We do now have a flattr ... well not a flattr button. More like a flattr link, cause it seems to be not that easy to get the button into sthe sf universe. So if you want to flattr this project, you can do this now by clicking this link.

Posted by looking_eye 2013-11-08


Released a new version today which fixes some bugs and adds some small features.

Posted by looking_eye 2013-03-08

New Release

It has the same name, but I have a new release online which fixes many issues (including, but not limited to the problem that you could only have one instance of the jMDFLib). For a detailed list of changes you can read the SVN commit comments (which serve also as a changehistory).

Happy testing!

Posted by looking_eye 2013-02-26

New Release coming

A new release is coming in the next few days. I've fixed a few memory issues, which should lead to a lower memory consumption. Nevertheless is the memory consumption for large mdf files inacceptable if you read all samples of one channel. The problem here lies in the automatic conversion of the values which I scale back to their double-precision using the associated conversion formula.

My next step will be the implementation of a sample reduction algorithm, which should improve the memory usage for the visualization of channels. For faster/better signal handling the imoplementation of memory windows, which will allow you to push a window of a number of samples through the mdf file.... read more

Posted by looking_eye 2012-11-21