
Tree [r118] /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 src 2007-03-26 gritchie [r115] v1.3.4
 README.txt 2007-03-26 gritchie [r118] v1.3.4
 build.xml 2007-03-26 gritchie [r118] v1.3.4
 javadoc.css 2007-03-26 gritchie [r115] v1.3.4
 javadoc.xml 2007-03-26 gritchie [r115] v1.3.4
 jlynx.dtd 2006-04-07 gritchie [r29]
 license.txt 2007-03-09 gritchie [r103]

Read Me


1. The zip distribution file contains:

 * jlynx.jar
 * readme & license
 * testing source
 * sample web application - jlynx.war

2. Source code is available in Subversion at:
3a. jLynx has a single runtime dependency, Simple Logging Facade (SLF4J)
3b. Test dependencies: add JUnit 3, HSQL Database (hsqldb.jar)
4. jLynx is currently JDK 1.3+ compliant (XML libraries needed for JDK 1.3)


v1.3.4 (20-Mar-07)

    - fixed bug in RelationalFactory affecting entity name auto-mapping to class name
    - add overloaded getResultList method the returns an XML-format String instead of List
    - created junit test class to improve testing of future builds
    - switched to in-memory version of hsql database (for testing)
    - NEW sample web app!

v1.3.3 (5-Mar-07)

    - added toXml() methods to Relational interface and impl
    - changed getResultList() to accept SQL statement that is not configured in jlynx.xml
    - no bug fixes

v.1.3.2 (Feb-07)

    - updated ConfigParser, created protected constructor to replace static init method
    - RelationalFactory throws IllegalArgumentException if namedConnection not present
    - optimized RelationalFactory#getInstance methods
    - simplified how jlynx.xml is discovered, now must be in META-INF i.e. META-INF/jlynx.xml
    - added ConfigParser#getConfigFile()
    - the above changes have yielded performance benefits
    - no bug fixes or API changes

v.1.3.1 (Jan-06)

    - fixed bug affecting case-sensitive table names
    - improved Generator for JSPs
    - improved sample webapp

v.1.3.0 (Dec-06)

    - removed Relational.getPreparedStatement()
    - removed Relational.execute(); replaced with Relational.executeNamedQuery()
    - removed Relational.executeQuery; replaced with Relational.getResultList()
    - no bug fixes

v1.2.1 (Nov-06)

    - fixed bug affecting persistence of POJOs with a 'is' getter
    - improved sample web application 

v1.2.0 (Oct-06)

    - renamed package biz.topmind.jlynx to net.sf.jlynx
    - removed SqlRunner
    - added static methods to ConfigParser
    - adjusted logging to print better debug information
    - switched SQL Server identity retrieval function from @@IDENTITY to SCOPE_IDENTITY()

v1.1 R1 (Sep-06)

    - refactoring to remove all external dependencies from jLynx
    - replaced Jakarta Commons Logging (JCL) w/ Simple Logging Facade for Java (SLF4J)
    - improved robustness of bean introspection
    - removed Bean-to-XML methods from API
    - renamed Relational#preserveNulls to Relational#saveNulls
    - empty Strings are now saved as NULL when saveNulls(true) is invoked
    - fixed bug affecting Map persistence
    - fixed bug redo init() within setEntity()
    - switched license from GPL v2 to BSD-style
    - jlynx.xml: moved from inline DTD to online DTD (

v1.0 R3 (Apr-06)

    - combined sample webapp and jlynx-dev into one project
    - adjusted download format (see above)

v1.0 R2 (Mar-06)

    - numerous bug fixes, especially related to jlynx.xml parsing
    - added support for Struts DynaActionForms
    - created sample web application using HSQL DB (removed sample pkg)
    - added SQLRunner class and moved non-creational methods out of RelationalFactory
    - removed Swing GUI generator... replaced with web application

v1.0 R1 (Dec-05)

    - moved Relational interface to jlynx pkg
    - added com.topmindsystems.jlynx.sample pkg
    - improved JSP code generation
    - improved bean reflection capabilities
    - added mulitple connection capability
    - improved configuration and added inline DTD
    - added XML output method (bean-to-XML)
    - added prepared statements and named queries in XML
    - removed refresh method from Relational interface and impl
    - fixed namedQuery xml parsing bug (12.21.05 --
    - updated JavaDoc (12.28.05)
    - renamed packages to biz.topmind.jlynx (12.29.05)
    - fixed 'jlynx.xml' SAX parser normalization issue (01.19.06)

v1.0 (Aug-05)
    - added JSP code generation
    - provided web start capability on public web site

** previous release notes are not available