
Milestone Plan

This is my current thoughts and feelings about milestone releases. As such, I hardly need mention how likely to change this document is. The further down you go, the foggier things are.

0.3.x -- Finishing touches on current system
0.3.2 -- Fix equality bug for instances
0.3.3 -- Define and reimplement #Save
0.3.4 -- Add GUI for server control
0.3.5 -- Improve logging and debugging [11/26/00]
0.3.6 -- Exhaustive testing; bugfix release [11/26/00]
0.4.0 -- M4 release

0.4.x -- File server work
0.4.1 -- File server supporting #Load
0.4.2 -- Addition of #Save
0.4.3 -- Support for encryption/compression
0.4.4 -- Exhaustive testing; bugfix release
0.4.5 -- Add to GUI
0.4.6 -- Allow editting in GUI
0.4.7 -- Exhaustive testing; bugfix release
0.5.0 -- M5 release

0.5.x -- Meta server work
0.5.1 -- Meta server for shared symbols
0.5.2 -- Continuation
0.5.3 -- Continuation
0.5.4 -- Addition of built-in serving
0.5.5 -- Exhaustive testing; bugfix release
0.5.6 -- Add to GUI
0.5.7 -- Allow debugging in GUI
0.5.8 -- Exhaustive testing; bugfix release
0.6.0 -- M6 release

0.6.x -- Performance work
0.6.1 -- General tuning
0.6.2 -- Work on #Compile
0.6.3 -- Exhaustive testing; bugfix release
0.7.0 -- M7 release

0.7.x -- Client work
0.7.1 -- Basic client
0.7.2 -- Support for color and other features
0.7.3 -- More feature development
0.7.4 -- Hook to allow transparent server switching
0.7.5 -- Continuation
0.7.6 -- Exhaustive testing; bugfix release
0.8.0 -- M8 release

0.8.x -- Reserved for spillover
0.9.0 -- M9 release

0.9.x -- Sample world development
0.9.1 -- Basic infrastructure
0.9.2 -- Interface decisions
0.9.3 -- Player creation
0.9.4 -- World creation
0.9.5 -- Exhaustive testing; bugfix release
0.9.6 -- Feature addition
0.9.7 -- Fleshing out
0.9.8 -- Continuation
0.9.9 -- Exhaustive testing; bugfix release


Posted by Adam Berger 2000-11-23

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