
Tree [r770] /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 include 2018-07-26 sfjeffersonfr [r696] Adding the refresh version (still developing ...)
 jcommon 2019-01-19 sfjeffersonfr [r770] Cleanup some code
 jdevice 2019-01-19 sfjeffersonfr [r770] Cleanup some code
 jevent 2018-08-03 sfjeffersonfr [r700] Initial version of jgui+jmedia's binds
 jexception 2018-09-14 sfjeffersonfr [r722] Add jgui/binds/generic/genericprovider_{flif, h...
 jgui 2019-01-19 sfjeffersonfr [r770] Cleanup some code
 jio 2019-01-19 sfjeffersonfr [r770] Cleanup some code
 jipc 2019-01-19 sfjeffersonfr [r770] Cleanup some code
 jlogger 2019-01-19 sfjeffersonfr [r770] Cleanup some code
 jmath 2019-01-19 sfjeffersonfr [r770] Cleanup some code
 jmedia 2019-01-19 sfjeffersonfr [r770] Cleanup some code
 jmpeg 2019-01-19 sfjeffersonfr [r770] Cleanup some code
 jnetwork 2019-01-19 sfjeffersonfr [r770] Cleanup some code
 jresource 2019-01-19 sfjeffersonfr [r770] Cleanup some code
 jsecurity 2019-01-19 sfjeffersonfr [r770] Cleanup some code
 jshared 2019-01-19 sfjeffersonfr [r770] Cleanup some code
 resources 2018-07-26 sfjeffersonfr [r696] Adding the refresh version (still developing ...)
 CHANGELOG 2018-07-26 sfjeffersonfr [r696] Adding the refresh version (still developing ...)
 COPYING 2018-07-26 sfjeffersonfr [r696] Adding the refresh version (still developing ...)
 FAQ 2018-07-26 sfjeffersonfr [r696] Adding the refresh version (still developing ...)
 INSTALL 2018-07-26 sfjeffersonfr [r696] Adding the refresh version (still developing ...)
 Makefile 2018-10-29 sfjeffersonfr [r762] Separate jmath/jmatrix in jmath/{jmatrix, jvector}
 Makefile.defs 2019-01-19 sfjeffersonfr [r770] Cleanup some code
 Makefile.image 2018-10-05 sfjeffersonfr [r755] Comment jgui/providers/{bmp}::premultiplied-ima... 2018-09-22 sfjeffersonfr [r728] Add jgui/binds/directfb; Add Makefile.image to ...
 Makefile.ui 2018-10-01 sfjeffersonfr [r746] Add jgui/binds/openvg{with some render problems...
 README 2018-09-14 sfjeffersonfr [r722] Add jgui/binds/generic/genericprovider_{flif, h...
 jlibcpp.pc 2018-07-26 sfjeffersonfr [r696] Adding the refresh version (still developing ...)

Read Me

[Installing jlibcpp]

:Makefile defines

ENABLE_DEBUG = <no, yes>
ENABLE_GRAPHICS = <sdl2, sfml2, x11, gtk3, allegro5>
ENABLE_MEDIA = <gif, ilist, v4l2, alsa, libvlc, libav, libxine>


$ export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=<pkg-path>
$ sudo make all install

[Compilling tests]

For each module of jlibcpp, change to tests directory and type:


[Compiling applications]

## Makefile -- with pkgconfig -- begin ##

CFLAGS	= `pkg-config --cflags jlibcpp`
LIBS		= `pkg-config --libs jlibcpp`

	g++ <app.cpp> -o <app> $(CFLAGS) $(LIBS)

## Makefile -- with pkgconfig -- end ##

: Dependencies


  uuid-dev libssl-dev 


  libcairo2-dev libjpeg9-dev libheif-dev libwebp-dev


	libsdl2-dev, libsfml2-dev, libX11-dev, libgtk3-dev, liballegro5-dev,
  libasound2-dev libx11-xcb-dev


1. with ENABLE_MEDIA=libvlc the jmedia not working corretly with lua
R: disable or remove the lua plugin "/usr/lib/vlc/plugins/lua/"

2. jsystem::Beep() not working
R: enable pcspkr module as following:

	sudo modprobe pcspkr
	echo -e "\a"

3. the module sox no compile and print a message asking for -fpic
R: recompile libsox with the option "--enable-shared"