
J3 - Jason's Java Jiten / News: Recent posts

J3 (Niban) Released

Version 2 is out. I hope you have patience and lots of memory. I didn't get around to indexing yet, so J3 uses TONS of memory depending on your machine/dictionaries.

Posted by Jason Vertrees 2002-06-04

New Release Around the Corner!

Here are some changes you'll notice:
* Remote DB querying
-- You can now query a DB over the 'net by specifying the appropriate info. Thus, you don't need to download a full dictionary file!
* Charset/Encoding change
-- Allows user to choose user's own default/preferred Charset/Encoding for user's machine: therefore, UNIX users can use EUC-JP for user's results, and WinXP users can use windows-1252 or whatever. The list is self-populating and varies by VM/Machine.
* Another LAF for folks
-- Added the Compiere CLooks_100.jar LAF to the project. I'm going to add a theme selector soon.
* Broke KanjiKard
-- The game shows you the answers. I'll have this fixed by the next release.
* Indexing
-- As promised, yet delivered. :-)
* GUI cleaning
-- Cleaned up lots of little OS dependent stuff and cleaned up the GUI in general. Added labels and buttons and menu stuff; nifty

Posted by Jason Vertrees 2002-05-29

Updates Available

Well, the updates for the GUI and DB access have been checked in. Also, I mucked about with some other stuff making the program easier to setup/run/look at.
Therefore, you should be able to run this (nifty) program on the machine and OS of your choice. See the README for details.
Penultimately, I hesitantly moved the devel. stage from Super-Pre-Alpha to Alpha. It's still in its incipient stages, however not as lame as before.
Lastly, once indexing gets worked out (a week or two) I'll have a new release ready.

Posted by Jason Vertrees 2002-05-22

Functionality and GUI updates coming soon!

I've been doing some coding tonight and came up with a nifty idea I'm implementing. I though, why should we have to download huge dictionary files, if they're already available to search across the 'net? Well, we don't: J3 will have the ability to query databases across the net for text queries. The cool thing, as usual with J3 is modularity - any language is supported as long as it has the appropriate DB on the other end.... read more

Posted by Jason Vertrees 2002-05-13


I'm working on some cool things: networking and indexing. Once I get these options added, I think j3 might be a nifty little app.
Unfortunately, I have to try to fit in coding time among moving from a house to apt (only to move again in 2 months) and grad. school. Therefore, it might take a little while for me to implement my ideas.

Posted by Jason Vertrees 2002-05-05

First Post (Welcome, News)

Welcome, if you're looking for source code or binaries, wait a few days. I have working source, but the code is super ugly, I'm trying to fix that.
This project first started as a small Java app that I could use as a Japanese/English dictionary. Unix has xjdic, XP - nothing? So, I wrote what I call, 'j3' (the name was taken, hence jjjiten). I wanted it to be a small project, but then the Swing code got involved and I had to start designing. :-)
So, I'm cleaning up code now, and I'll submit something soon.

Posted by Jason Vertrees 2002-04-23