
Jisho-san / News: Recent posts

Version 0.0.4 out

Jisho-san has been updated to work with the latest Mono tool-chain and released at version 0.0.4.

Posted by David Bacon 2005-06-22

CVS changes

The Glade widgets have been updated to use the new GladeWidget attribute. Also, the TreeView might be updated to support managed data, (it will hold Dictionarys directly). This will completely deprecate the need for Tree.cs (HistoryTree). Whoohooo!

Posted by David Bacon 2003-01-27

Version 0.0.3 is Out!

This release now includes GConf support. The color of results (kanji, kana, readings, etc) can be changed. Basic settings like spin-button values and toggle boxes are preserved.

Also, the source distribution now includes targets for distribution and installation.

Posted by David Bacon 2003-01-20

0.0.2 Released!

See the project page for download/notes links.

Posted by David Bacon 2003-01-19

Jibiki progress

It looks a little better, and searching actually works. Two of the three search options work--the search-by-radical isn't done yet. That's next! Check out the screenshot of CVS (

Posted by David Bacon 2003-01-18

Kanjidic Progress

The kanjidic part of Jisho-san (dubbed "Jibiki") is starting to show signs of life. It is in CVS, and has the basic widget support working. Next is to finish the events in the dictionary, and flesh-out the GUI with useful information. As soon as public CVS access is available, I'll post screenshots.

Posted by David Bacon 2003-01-16

Kanji Dictionary Started

Work on the Kanji Dictionary part has commenced! Today I implemented most of the Kanjidic parser (in C#). Originally, I wrote one in C using yacc/bison, and considered using the produced grammars with the modified jay from mono:: to generate C#. But afterall, I just wrote it by hand. It wasn't too complicated.

Posted by David Bacon 2003-01-12

Screenshot Updated

The screen shot was just a bit dated. It now matches the released version 0.0.1.

Posted by David Bacon 2003-01-09

0.0.1 Released

The first public release is now available in source form. Binary versions might become available if I feel like figuring it out.

Posted by David Bacon 2003-01-09

Testing News

This is a test to see if news items correctly show up in the home page.

Posted by David Bacon 2003-01-09

No Files Yet.

Sorry, no files are available yet, but I'll be releasing these as soon as I get everything settled and figured out.

You can check out the screenshots, or the CVS repository, or send me email or something.

Posted by David Bacon 2003-01-09