
Jipsi / News: Recent posts

Jipsi 1.0 rc1 release

Here are the changes:

Version 1.0beta (2004-09-07)

* addJipsi now supports authentication(sefftinge)
* addboth Basic and Digest are supported(sefftinge)
* add added new Attribute RequestedUserPassword (You can either set the username/password as system properties or as operation attributes)(sefftinge)

Version 1.0beta (2004-09-03)

* addJipsi now uses "apache commons httpclient"(sefftinge)
* removeremoved all streaming logic (see changes from 07-09-2004)(sefftinge)
* addthe http client uses chunked transfers now(sefftinge)... read more

Posted by Sven Efftinge 2004-12-07

New license (LGPL)

We changed the license to LGPL.
Now you can use Jipsi in any propritairy software project, too.

Posted by Sven Efftinge 2003-12-28

Release 0.1

The initial release of jipsi offers an almost full implementation of the Java Print Service API for the IPP API of CUPS (see\).

Posted by Sven Efftinge 2003-12-02