
Jips HomeAutomation / Blog: Recent posts

General status

Well here an update after a long time.
no update here does not mean there is no progress on the system. the system actually is taking more and more shape each week. somtimes a bit more progress sometimes a bit less.
First off network layout with some changes.

So status here it is:
- Home server
It has been up and running now for almost a year, with a major overhaul/re-installation earlier this year(due to too large log file partition on my SSD). All is functioning now how it should and installed for the moment are:
LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySql, PHP), Owncloud, EMONCMS and GNU GCC toolchain
- Energy meter (main distribution)
Happily getting data from this meter via the MODBUS/Ethernet communication link every 5 seconds or so. At the moment it is logging his data to both my local EMONCMS server and to the website ( )
- Weather station
This has been operating withot the nrf24l01+ link, but I have swapped over to the ESP8266 module. This has been functioning in some way, but I am not fully happy with it, so it is not functioning at the moment. I have had it working with and ESP8266-01 module versions where the communication with the sensor board is handled via serial communication. as the AVR i am using on that board does not have an hardware serial, I am using softserial. I am however not happy with it and will move over to ESP8266-12 E/Q. I hope to get SPI communication going in that way to get better and more stable communication going
- Energy meter (car charger)
Latest I have installed is an energy meter for the car charger(openEVSE) i am finalising. Same as for the main energymeter, I am pulling data from the meter (SDM630 modbus) via a small c program running as a daemon on my server.
- OpenEVSE
The electrical box with all components have been installed and next step will connect up the openEVSE board itself. than the testing with this one will start. If all functions properly via a local control I am planning here to also connect it up to an ESP8266 board and taht way will communicate with it remotely.

Well taht was it for now, hopefully next will be some updates on how I installed things on my server and detailed progress on all the hardware and software

Posted by J Dekker 2016-07-18 Labels: General

The beginning

After playing around some years now with various components as described on the homepage of this project, I will try the next year to start building all the blocks into a nice home automation system.
Some background. I am an electrical engineer which have always been passionate at programming and embedded systems. The last few years I therefore have been playing around with:
- Atmel AVR processors (programming in C (not arduino))
- Website programming (mostly joomla and developing components in PHP + MySQL)
- Linux/Debian (Setting up an NAS / LAMP server, using old PC's and finally and old HP MV2120 (see )... read more

Posted by J Dekker 2015-04-28 Labels: General