
Java Interactive Profiler and OC4J

  • Beldin108

    Beldin108 - 2008-07-30

    I'm attempting to profile a web app running inside Oracle Containers for Java (oc4j). At start up I specify -javaagent:<location of the profile.jar> and<location>/

    Everything starts up fine, I run the app a couple of times to get everything loaded and then turn on the profiler. I run the test turn off the profiler a look at the log and the only methods that are getting profiled are*.

    Next run I turned on debug and it became clear why my app wasn't getting profiled. The log was filled with <Time stamp> Catch: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
    <Time stamp> skip <> [oracle.classloader.PolicyClassLoader]

    I guess my first question is does JIP work with oc4j? I suspect I'm missing something trivial here but I'm relatively new to profiling Java code. Heck, I'm relatively new to Java being an old C programmer learning a new bag of tricks.

    I've gotten this working just fine on standalone Java code and it's proved very useful. I'd like to do the same for a web app running in a container.

    • Beldin108

      Beldin108 - 2008-07-30

      Apologies posted this in the wrong forum. Bad day.


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