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File Date Author Commit
 lib 2009-07-12 balilla [r1]
 resources 2009-07-12 balilla [r1]
 src 2009-07-12 balilla [r1]
 test 2009-07-12 balilla [r1]
 JAXBv2.0.THIRDPARTYLICENSEREADME.txt 2009-07-12 balilla [r1]
 README.txt 2009-07-12 balilla [r1] 2009-07-12 balilla [r1]
 build.xml 2009-07-12 balilla [r1]
 license.txt 2009-07-12 balilla [r1]

Read Me

Jink version 0.9
Build requirements: Java 5.0, (Optional: Junit, Ant)
Runtime requirements: JRE 5.0 and process monitoring tools (windows: pslist, pskill; unix: ps, kill)

Note for windows users: process monitoring requires the sysinternals tools pslist and pskill to be installed. Download from

Please refer to the online tutorial for a full description of what Jink does and how to use it (Help->Tutorial).

How to build with Ant
Run 'ant' in the root directory. This will compile the JAXB schemas and Java source code. 

How to run with Ant
Run 'ant run' if already built or 'ant build-run' to build then run.

How to create a distributable
Run 'ant dist'. This builds, runs the unit tests and creates the 'dist' directory with a batch file to launch Jink. The contents of the directory must be distributed entirely.

Type 'ant -p' for a full target list