
JImageGallery / News: Recent posts

It's in

the initial CVS import. Yup, it's going slow and I have no real good excuse like a family drama ;)
Now the refactoring starts. You might notice I've started already before the initial import, just to hint at which direction I'm heading. The next step will be to integrate the refactored DatabaseImage and persist with Hibernate.
There are some _very_ brief docs in CVS about getting the current servlet to work if anybody wants to try it.
Oh also, toying with the idea of replacing log4j with native Sun 1.4 logging..

Posted by Peter 2003-06-30

Initial import

Currently preparing alpha source base for initial CVS import. Also putting together some very basic documentation and preparing a rough roadmap for the documentation section. Watch this space!

Posted by Peter 2003-06-12