
Jhess correspondence chess system / News: Recent posts

Jhess 0.1.5 released

Jhess 0.1.5 has been released. It contains GUI fixes, and now shows captured pieces.

Posted by Scott Jacobsen 2004-02-27

Jhess Uses Java Web Start

Jhess can now be installed and launched using Java Web Start. The benefits include:
- One click installation
- Auto update - you are always running the latest Jhess.
- Cross platform - no need for complicated custom install code for every major OS.

Posted by Scott Jacobsen 2003-05-19

Jhess 0.1.4 released

Jhess 0.1.4 is a major improvement over jhess 0.1.3. Jhess is now usable as your daily email chess client. Jhess now supports realtime network play with chat and email play, and the ability to seamlessly switch between the two modes of play. This is the best Jhess yet!

Posted by Scott Jacobsen 2003-05-14

Jhess 0.1.3 released

Jhess is now a functional email chess client! An array of new usability features, including the ability to save games and step back and forth thought the games has been added.

Posted by Scott Jacobsen 2003-04-24

Jhess 0.1.2 released

Jhess 0.1.2 can read PGN files, can start a new game without restarting Jhess, and adds a new "Show En Passant Marker" debug menu option. Also a Help->About dialog has been added. Bugs have been fixed in the mate calculator and en passant logic.

Posted by Scott Jacobsen 2003-04-09