
JGuiGen - Java GUI Application Generator / News: Recent posts

Road map

Just wanted to give some highlights of new features currently being put into the next release.

The major feature of the next release is a "Quick Create" for new sceens. It will allow you to create a fully functional new screen simply by clicking "Quick Create", selecting the table of interest, and then clicking a button labled "Go!".

The new screen will be generated, compiled, and executed for you, and it will pop-up open for you to examine before you go back and make adjustments to it.... read more

Posted by Vernon Singleton 2006-05-29

New Lead Demo

Tonight we have published a new screencast showing how to quickly generate a GUI using JGuiGen. It is a 14 minute screencast. You will find it here on our home page


Posted by Vernon Singleton 2006-05-12

JGuiGen screencasts are now available

See the home page for details.

Posted by Vernon Singleton 2006-05-11