
jGuard-2.0.0-beta-6 released

jGuard v2.2.0-beta-6 released!

the jGuard team is pleased to announce a new 'experimental' release(2.2.0-beta-6) of the java security library (

this library is build on top of JAAS, to securize web applications and standalone applications.
his goal is to provide for developers, an easy way to manage authentication and authorizations.

enhancements since the last 'experimental' release (v2.0.0-beta-5):
-add many unit tests
-refactor and reorganize a major part of the code with IOC/DI principle, with the help of Guice

the main jGuard features are :
- stands on java standards (JAAS and jEE): we don't reinvent the wheel
- stands on security standards :enhanced RBAC(from NIST) standard called ABAC
- relies only on java 1.4 and j2ee 1.3 or higher
- can be adapted on any webapp, on any application server, or standalone applications
- does not depend on a web framework, or an AOP framework
- authentications and authorizations are handled by pluggable mechanisms
- changes take effects 'on the fly' (dynamic configuration)
- each webapp has its own authentications and authorizations configuration
- authentications can be configured through XML or databases (Oracle, MySQL,PostgreSQL,DB2,SQL Server)
- support encryption in authentication
- authorizations can be configured through XML or databases(Oracle, MySQL,PostgreSQL,DB2,SQL Server)
- a taglib is provided to protect jsp fragment
- support security manager

this project is released under the LGPL licence.

the jGuard web site:

the jGuard homePage on sourceforge:

jGuard forums are open:

easy JAAS integration for j2ee and j2se is present!
don't reinvent the wheel, use the standards.

the jGuard team.

Posted by Charles Lescot 2011-04-01

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