
jGuard-2.0.0-beta-5 released

- upgrade to java 5
- upgrade to JCapthca 1.0-RC6
- add authenticationSchemeHandler interface and the related authentication lifecycle
- fix a bug about CryptUtils : in a concurrency use case, some password check can fail.
=> thanks to Lars Feistner
-migrate from java.util.logging to SLF4J(logging facade) to permit for the end user to choose its logging library
- add a 'propagateThrowable' option (thanks to Lars Feistner for the idea) to permit to not catch any exception for a debugging purpose
- fix the setAttributes and setAttribute method in MbeanServerGuard (JMX)
=> thanks to Andriy Gapon
- add regexp support in JSFPermission
=> thanks to Victor Bucutea
- add more unit tests including JSF tests
-upgrade release number to 2.0.0 to reflect major API changes

NOTE:jars are present in archives in the 'target' subdirectories.

what's planned for the next 2.0.0 beta 6 release(planned release date 15 march 2009):
- add some Struts junit tests
- re-establish the BASIC authentication
- fix 'setAttributes' method in mbeanServerGuard and provides unit tests

Posted by Charles Lescot 2009-02-16

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