
#58 Updates in Polish translation


please update following resource keys in Polish translation:

Button.AckSel = Potwierd\u017A wybrane
Button.CalcEndBal = Wylicz saldo ko\u0144cowe
Button.ConcatenateMemos = Po\u0142\u0105cz notatki
Button.MonthlyBalance = Saldo miesi\u0119czne
Button.New = Nowa
Button.Order.LinuxOS = Nie, Tak, [Anuluj | Zamknij | Wyczy\u015B\u0107], [OK | Wprowad\u017A] (Linux)
Button.Order.MacOS = Nie, Tak, [Anuluj | Zamknij | Wyczy\u015B\u0107], [OK | Wprowad\u017A] (Mac)
Button.Order.WindowsOS = Tak, Nie, [OK | Wprowad\u017A], [Anuluj | Zamknij | Wyczy\u015B\u0107] (Windows)
Button.RunningBalance = Saldo bie\u017C\u0105ce
Column.Charge = Pobranie
Column.Enabled = Aktywna
Column.Payment = Zwrot
Label.ReceivingAccount = Konto odbiorcy:
Label.Visible = Widoczny:
Menu.BackgroundSecurityUpdate.Tooltip = Aktualizuje wszystkie wyceny papier\u00F3w warto\u015Bciowych w tle
Menu.MonthBalance.Name = Saldo miesi\u0119czne\u2026
Menu.MonthBalanceCompare.Name = Por\u00F3wnanie sald miesi\u0119cznych\u2026
Menu.PeriodicAccountBalance.Name = Okresowe saldo konta\u2026
Period.30Min = 30 minut
Tag.Investment = Inwestycja
Tag.InvestmentCashTransfer = Przelew got\u00F3wki z inwestycji
Title.BackingStore = Magazyn kopi
Title.CreateModifyCommodities = Utw\u00F3rz / Modyfikuj papiery warto\u015Bciowe
ToolTip.ReconcileAccount = Uzgadnia konto

I cannot find following resource keys:
Missing resource keys for buttons ‘Save’ and ‘Options’ on all Reports > Account screens
Missing resource keys for all buttons on the Create / Modify Securities screen
Missing resource keys for all buttons on few ‘Select something’ screens inthe Tools* area (Default Currency, Date format and Locale).


  • Craig Cavanaugh

    Craig Cavanaugh - 2018-12-24

    Thanks! I've made the changes and localization corrections for the next release.

    Missing resource keys for all buttons on few ‘Select something’ screens inthe Tools area (Default Currency, Date format and Locale). is cause by no localization withing JavaFx. I've add it to the TODO list to correct soon.

  • Craig Cavanaugh

    Craig Cavanaugh - 2018-12-24
    • status: open --> closed

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