
#118 Simple Budget


Currently Budgeting option allows to plan incomes and expenses on a detailed level. My category list contains 5-10 detailed income categories and 20-40 detailed expense categories grouped to few summary categories. Planning the budget on the level of a detailed category is time consuming and you can easy lose the focus.
It is sofficient, from the budget management perspective, to group all expenses to 4-5 summary categories (like regular expenses, irregular expenses, fun, savings and maybe loans) and set budget plan for these summary categories. It doesn't should prevent the system from tracking expenses on detailed level.
The idea of such kind of budget is implemented in the MS Money as an essential budget
So, proposal for jGnash is the following:
1. Add new option Tools / Options / (new tab) Budget: [ ] Simple Budget Plan
2. If user selects this option, system will present complete account/category tree (like in current version), but will allow to enter the Budgeted values for the 2nd account/category level only (irrespectively, if this account/category is locked or not, or if it is a placeholder).
3. The Budgeting widnow can have new option [ ] Show Detailed Budget (shows all rows like in current version [default]; unchecked shows only 1st and 2nd level accounts/categories, but presented values are calculated based on complete account/category tree). This feature can be implemented indepedend on feature 1 and 2.


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