
Some suggestions

Henry Wong
  • Henry Wong

    Henry Wong - 2006-08-11

    1. I think its better to tag your release in CVS
    2. It is also good idea to checkin only compilable code, so that its easier for the users to submit patches in sync with your lastest code
    3. Have you consider the scripting engine build on top of Apache Bean Scripting Framework (

    - melink

    • Samuel Mendenhall

      > 1. I think its better to tag your release in CVS

      I am not too experienced in CVS, I only use it in eclipse for checkout out projects, updates and commits.  I would be very glad for some help in this area to get the project where it should be in cvs.

      > 2. It is also good idea to checkin only compilable code, so that its easier for the users to submit patches in sync with your lastest code

      Can you please elaborate here by compatible.  To my knowledge the repository is up to date, and to I do test on linux and windows after I submit the latest code.

      > 3. Have you consider the scripting engine build on top of Apache Bean Scripting Framework (

      I am using BSF, and I would like to extend support for any scripting framework such as jython and jruby.  I think I might wait until Java6 becomes more mainstream though, because it has superb scripting support.

      Thank you for the comments though, I would like your feedback on what I wrote.


    • Henry Wong

      Henry Wong - 2006-08-12

      > I am not too experienced in CVS, I only use it in eclipse for checkout out projects, updates and commits. I would be very glad for some help in this area to get the project where it should be in cvs.

      Some cool CVS reference:

      For tagging each release:

      > Can you please elaborate here by compatible. To my knowledge the repository is up to date, and to I do test on linux and windows after I submit the latest code.

      I mean compilable, the last time my checkout from the anonymous CVS cannot get compiled. Maybe it is due to the class you removed but not yet deleted from the trunk.

      > I am using BSF, and I would like to extend support for any scripting framework such as jython and jruby. I think I might wait until Java6 becomes more mainstream though, because it has superb scripting support.

      Coz I don't find bsf.jar in your CVS, thats why I think you are building on top of BSH directly. Just some suggestion, the roadmap of the project is up to you, of course :)

      I do appreciate your work! Scriptable downloader is what I am looking for. Thanks.

      - melink

    • Samuel Mendenhall


      Actually, with this release, I created a build.xml file so all you need to compile jgetfile into a single runnable jar is Ant and Java 1.5.

      Thanks for the CVS links, I'll check them out.



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