Ishmael Riles - 2001-06-04

I just installed jgenerator 1.2.4 on a red hat system and I had to make the following changes to get it to work in offline mode.

1) the jgeneratorDir variable was pointing to ../. so I changed it to $IVGEN_HOME.

2) the javaDir was wrong for my system so I changed it to $JAVA_HOME/bin

3) I had to change $1 to $* to get the jgenerate script to pass all of the command line parameters to the java program.

here's my modified script. I hope some one finds this usefull.


#set your jgenerator here
export jgeneratorDir=$IVGEN_HOME
#set your java path here
export javaDir=$JAVA_HOME/bin

export CLASSPATH=$jgeneratorDir/lib/jgen.jar:$CLASSPATH

$javaDir/java -Div.flash.installDir=$jgeneratorDir com.iv.flash.Generator $*