I am looking at doing some training material with Flash and would like to have the text of the training notes in XML, plus some multiple choice type questions too.
It looks like JGenerator would be very useful in this since we don't want to create each page by hand. Has anyone tried something similar?
if these examples don't work it's because there is some problems with the server,
more precisely with tomcat which is jgenerator running on.
I am going to ask these guys to restart the server, it will help.
If you wish to run these examples by yourself you can find .fla file and everything
in examples/xml directory (I think it's in source code distribution package).
If you would like to refer to this comment somewhere else in this project, copy and paste the following link:
Hi Folks,
I am looking at doing some training material with Flash and would like to have the text of the training notes in XML, plus some multiple choice type questions too.
It looks like JGenerator would be very useful in this since we don't want to create each page by hand. Has anyone tried something similar?
I am concerned though that the XML datasources examples on the
http://www.flashgap.com/examples.html web page isn't working.
(on slightly different note could you stick in my news site too?
http://news.DiverseBooks.com/diversebooks.rss ? Science Fiction and computing
book news and reviews. Cheers)
I am reluctant to download and try the .fla file source if the example doesn't work.
Alex McLintock
if these examples don't work it's because there is some problems with the server,
more precisely with tomcat which is jgenerator running on.
I am going to ask these guys to restart the server, it will help.
If you wish to run these examples by yourself you can find .fla file and everything
in examples/xml directory (I think it's in source code distribution package).