
JFXConverter / Blog: Recent posts

Version 0.24 released

Fix the parser of the XML configuration file which did not correctly validate the file

Posted by Hervé Girod 2020-10-08

Version 0.23 released

Allow to specify a title in the SVG Document conversion. There is a default title if no title is specified.
Allow to specify a title in the EPS conversion. There is a default title if no title is specified.
Improve the SVG eol positions in the output compared to the original Batik behavior

Posted by Hervé Girod 2020-06-20

Version 0.22 released

Use docJGenerator
Use MDIUtilities
Allow to add a background to the exported image

Posted by Hervé Girod 2020-06-09

Version 0.21 released

Improve the application which allows to convert a Node structure created through a groovy Script
Add a DefaultConverterListener which handles groups and effects by default
Allow the application scripts to access an external CSS file
Support the -fx-border-style property

Posted by Hervé Girod 2018-12-20

Version 0.20 released

Document the supported CSS properties
Use docJGeneration 1.3.11
Support the -visibility property
Support the -fx-image property for the ImageView Node
Fix the way the -fx-rotate property worked for which the center of rotation was incorrect
Add an application to help checking the working of the converter

Posted by Hervé Girod 2018-12-18

Version 0.20 Beta 1 released

Move the ppt and svg drivers in two separate jars
Add an EPS driver, for the moment the driver uses the version of jlibeps
Add a wiki

Posted by Hervé Girod 2017-11-14

Version 0.19

Fix of a cut/paste error leading to zero scaling along the y-axis, courtesy of Meyer-sound laboratory (thanks to Mark Schmieder for the fix)
Fix Lines which were not processed directly in the FXShapeUtilites class, but converted as rectangles (thanks to Mark Schmieder for the fix)
Use Apache POI 3.17
Fix the PPTGraphics2D class to make it work against POI 3.17 (thanks to Mark Schmieder for the fix)

Posted by Hervé Girod 2017-09-23

Version 0.18

Support GradientPaint for the PPT converter (the color will be the brightest of the two colors)
Fix the clipping of some horizontal or vertical lines in the PPT converter which was incorrect

Posted by Hervé Girod 2016-10-08

Version 0.17

Fix some cases where the PPT driver could throw a NPE for small clipped Images
Add the support for converting SubScenes and Shape3D Nodes

Posted by Hervé Girod 2016-07-03

Version 0.16

Fix the angles of the rotation transforms which were wrong (minus the right value) in some cases

Posted by Hervé Girod 2016-04-19

Version 0.15

Fix of a problem which prevented the use of the ConverterConfigParser when used through a dynamically loaded library

Posted by Hervé Girod 2016-04-13

Version 0.14

Partial fix to the problem of rotated Images in PPT
Support Shadows in PPT conversion

Posted by Hervé Girod 2016-04-11

Version 0.13

Use MDIUtilities 0.8.8
Support the -fx-arc-width and -fx-arc-height properties for Rectangles
Fix some cases where clipping a Polygon in PowerPoint would lead to an incorrect resulting Shape
Fix the immediate children of the top-most container being visible in the conversion even if they were not visible in the JavaFX tree
Fix the angles of rotation not being correctly converted from degrees to radians in some cases
Changed the name of the GroupGraphics2D interface to ExtendedGraphics2D and add a method in the interface which allows to process Effects on Nodes in the conversion process

Posted by Hervé Girod 2016-04-10

Version 0.12

Remove an unused System.out (which could trigger a NPE in some cases)
Use the MDIUtilities library 0.8.7

Posted by Hervé Girod 2016-04-07

Version 0.11

Fix completely (or so I think) -fx-shape used for Regions
Fix the positioning of Region textures in some cases
Fix the startAngle for SVGPaths arcs which was incorrect

Posted by Hervé Girod 2016-04-06

Version 0.10

Fix background radii which were too big after conversion
Support translations and scales in the CSS properties
Support the Background position in the Nodes and the CSS properties
Fix the size of the ImageViews in some cases, especially when using fitting on width or height
Fix some cases where the Regions backgrounds had a wrong size after the conversion
Fix cases where the border of a Region had a 0 width and was still painted

Posted by Hervé Girod 2016-04-05

Version 0.9

fix gradients which were not handled in the SVG output
revert to Batik 1.7 (Batik 1.8 being a little unstable), which also fix images handling in the SVG conversion

Posted by Hervé Girod 2016-04-03

Version 0.8

Fix cases where the library could try to set a negative opacity to a Node

Posted by Hervé Girod 2016-04-03

Version 0.7

use MDIUtilities 0.8.6
add a complete and simple PPT example in the tools directory
fix cases where a Node with opacity 0 had an opacity put to 1 if its CSS property sets its opacity to 1

Posted by Hervé Girod 2016-04-03

Version 0.6

Support the a (arc) command in the SVGPath format
Fix the RadialGradient conversion
Fix cases where the size of a Background image was 0, now don't use these Backgrounds anymore in the conversion
Allow to use listeners in the conversion process, which can interfere in the conversion at the beginning or end of a Node
Fix the positioning of scaled paths in Regions
Fix a case of possible NPE in the filling of Shapes in the PPT converter
Fix the horizontal or vertical lines not being absolutely horizontal or vertical in the PPT converter
Fix the rendering of proportional Radial gradients
Fix another possible exception in the converting
Support part of the border specification, both directly in Regions and as CSS properties
Support proportional width and height for Region backgrounds
Support disabled states for Nodes
Fix rotations angles which were incorrectly not converted from degrees to radians (from JavaFX to Awt)
Support the -fx-opacity CSS property
Add a class to manage the conversion configuration, for the moment allowing to control the showing of the disabled states for Nodes. It is possible to set directly the parameters of this class, or by parsing an XML configuration File

Posted by Hervé Girod 2016-04-02

Version 0.5

Fix ImageView size
Implement Node clipping
Fix Node Rotations
Fix the PPTGraphics2D implementation
Fix the positioning of -fx-paths inside Regions when applying a scale on them
Protect the SVGPath decoding for some cases of badly defined paths which are correctly handed in JavaFX

Posted by Hervé Girod 2016-03-30

Version 0.4

Fix the Stroke Color of Polylines being incorrectly identical as their fill Color

Posted by Hervé Girod 2016-03-28

Version 0.3

Support SVGPath Nodes

Posted by Hervé Girod 2016-03-28

Version 0.2

Fix the Region Background computing using erroneously the PrefWidth and prefHeight rather than the width and height of the Region
Support the -fx-shape and -fx-scale-shape CSS properties
Fix cases where transparent backgrounds were incorrectly painted as not transparent

Posted by Hervé Girod 2016-03-28

Version 0.1 (first version)

First version of the application

Posted by Hervé Girod 2016-03-27