
JFreeMon / News: Recent posts

JFreeMon User Guide Available

The JFreeMon User Guide is now available in PDF format. It can be downloaded from the Documentation page in the JFreeMon project website:


Posted by Tuomas Tikka 2007-04-13

JFreeMon Roadmap Added

The roadmap for JFreeMon was added to the JFreeMon project website. It includes descriptions for the following releases:

* Version 0.1
* Version 0.2
* Version 0.3

The document can be viewed from the Documentation section in the JFreeMon project website:


Posted by Tuomas Tikka 2007-03-31

JFreeMon Screenshots Added

The following screenshots of JFreeMon in action were added:

* Running on Mac OS 10.4.9
* Running on Windows Vista

Additional screenshots will be added to the JFreeMon project web site:


Posted by Tuomas Tikka 2007-03-30

JFreeMon Server 0.1 Released

JFreeMon Server 0.1 was released. The following packages are avialable for download:

* JFreeMon Server - Binaries
* JFreeMon Server - Source

For documentation, please refer to the JFreeMon project web site:


Posted by Tuomas Tikka 2007-03-29

JFreeMon Test Suite Updated

The JFreeMon Test Suite package was updated to version 0.2, which brings more versatility to testing:

* Random timeouts for load and volume tests
* Random data for all tests

Posted by Tuomas Tikka 2007-03-18

JFreeMon Updated Documentation

The following new documents are now available in PDF format from the JFreeMon project web site:

* Overview Presentation
* Integration Guide

Please follow the Documentation link from the main navigation to access the documents.


Posted by Tuomas Tikka 2007-03-11

JFreeMon Project Web Site Updated

The JFreeMon project web site template and outline is now nearly completed. Content like file releases and documents will be added as they are completed.

The target release date for Version 0.1 is in Q2, more likely during the beginning.

The mobile Java client for JFreeMon will be completed during this month.


Posted by Tuomas Tikka 2007-03-09

JFreeMon Project Web Site Opened

The JFreeMon web site, hosted by, was opened by publishing a general template of what the site will look like. Content will be updated as work progresses.


Posted by Tuomas Tikka 2007-02-28

First Packages Released

The first packages are now available for JFreeMon version 0.1:

* JFreeMon - Client
* JFreeMon - Commons

The following releases are due during the second quarter of 2007:

* JFreeMon - Server
* JFreeMon - Mobile Client
* JFreeMon - Test Suite

These releases will complete the full release of JFreeMon version 0.1.

Posted by Tuomas Tikka 2007-02-26

JFreeMon Project Opened at SF

Project JFreeMon is now open at SourceForge (SF).


* JFreeMon Server - Java desktop application to monitor client resources
* JFreeMon Client - Java client used to connect to JFreeMon Server
* JFreeMon Commons - Common libraries
* JFreeMon Test Suite - JUnit based test suite for JFreeMon

Project home:


Posted by Tuomas Tikka 2007-02-23