
JFreeChart / News: Recent posts

JFreeChart 0.9.13 released

A new version of JFreeChart has been posted. Updates include:

- various enhancements to the stacked area XY charts;
- added a completion indicator for the Gantt chart;
- range and domain markers can now be placed in the foreground or the
- more fixes for cloning and serialization;
- fixed mouse event bug for combined charts;
- fixed bugs in the PngEncoder class;
- incorporated .properties files that were missing from the 0.9.12

Posted by David Gilbert 2003-09-26

JFreeChart 0.9.12 released

A new version of JFreeChart has been released.

Posted by David Gilbert 2003-09-15

JFreeChart 0.9.11 released.

The 30th release of JFreeChart is now available. It includes new box-and-whisker plots, a few minor API changes (via deprecation) and lots of bug fixes.


Dave Gilbert
JFreeChart Project Leader

Posted by David Gilbert 2003-08-08

JFreeChart 0.9.10 released

A new version of JFreeChart has been released. The focus of this release is the support for multiple range axes (instead of the current limit of 2 range axes per chart). Some other minor enhancements and bug fixes are also included.

JFreeChart is a class library, written in Java, for generating charts. Utilising the Java2D APIs, it currently supports bar charts, pie charts, line charts, XY-plots and time series plots.

Posted by David Gilbert 2003-07-25

JFreeChart 0.9.9 released

A new version of JFreeChart has been released. JFreeChart is a class library, written in Java, for generating charts. Utilising the Java2D APIs, it currently supports bar charts, pie charts, line charts, XY-plots and time series plots.

Posted by David Gilbert 2003-07-10

JFreeChart 0.9.8 released

The main focus of this release is the change of package names from 'com.jrefinery.*' to 'org.jfree.*', but there are also a couple of minor enhancements and bug fixes.

Posted by David Gilbert 2003-04-24

JFreeChart 0.9.7 released

Added Pareto chart demo, new dataset interfaces/classes/utilities, revised CompassPlot, updated writeImageMap method, implemented Serializable for most classes (this is likely to require further testing), incorporated contour plot updates from David M. O'Donnell, added new CategoryTextAnnotation and XYLineAnnotation classes, added new HorizontalCategoryAxis3D class by Klaus Rheinwald. Fixed various bugs.

Posted by David Gilbert 2003-04-17

JFreeChart 0.9.6 released

This release contains fixes for bugs that were introduced in the 0.9.5 release. JFreeChart is a class library, written in Java, for generating charts. Utilising the Java2D APIs, it currently supports bar charts, pie charts, line charts, XY-plots and time series plots.

Posted by David Gilbert 2003-02-18

JFreeChart 0.9.5 released

JFreeChart version 0.9.5 has been posted. This release contains the much-requested dual axis charts, plus a host of other changes. JFreeChart is a class library, written in Java, for generating charts. Utilising the Java2D APIs, it currently supports bar charts, pie charts, line charts, XY-plots and time series plots.

Posted by David Gilbert 2003-02-07

JFreeChart 0.9.4 Released

A new version of JFreeChart is available now. The latest changes include (copied from the README file):

0.9.4 : (18-Oct-2002) Added a new stacked area chart (contributed by Dan
Rivett) and a compass plot (contributed by Bryan Scott). Updated
the ThermometerPlot class. Added a new XYDotRenderer for scatter
plots. Modified combined and overlaid plots to use the series colors
specified in the sub plot rather than the parent plot (this makes it
easier to align the colors in the legend). Added Regression class
for linear and power regressions. BasicTimeSeries can now
automatically drop "old" data. Some clean-up work in the code for
tooltips and the event listener mechanism. Richard Atkinson has
incorporated some useful extensions for servlets/JSP developers.... read more

Posted by David Gilbert 2002-10-18

JFreeChart 0.9.3 Released

A new version of JFreeChart is now available for download.

Posted by David Gilbert 2002-09-03

JFreeChart 0.9.2 released

A new version of JFreeChart has been posted. Here's the list of changes from the README file:

PiePlot now has startAngle and direction attributes. Added support for image map generation. Added a new Pie3DPlot class. Added label drawing code to bar renderers. Added optional range markers to horizontal number axis. Added bar clipping to avoid PRExceptions in bar charts. JFreeChartDemo has been modified and now includes examples of the dial and thermometer plots.... read more

Posted by David Gilbert 2002-06-27

JFreeChart 0.9.1 Released

This release contains important bug fixes and updates to the Javadocs. Upgrading from 0.9.0 is strongly recommended.

Posted by David Gilbert 2002-06-14

JFreeChart 0.9.0 Released

See the release notes for details.

Please note that there are some significant changes in this release...test it before you commit to using it.

Posted by David Gilbert 2002-06-07

Revised Charts to PDF Documentation

I've posted a revision to the document describing how to create charts in PDF format using JFreeChart and iText. There is now additional information about Unicode fonts.

Posted by David Gilbert 2002-05-28

Charts to PDF

I've posted a short document describing how to export charts to PDF format using JFreeChart and's in the Documentation section of the file download area.

Posted by David Gilbert 2002-05-09

JFreeChart 0.8.1 Released

JFreeChart is a class library, written in Java, for generating charts. Utilising the Java2D APIs, it currently supports bar charts, pie charts, line charts, XY-plots and time series plots.

The latest version of JFreeChart has been posted. The release notes say:

Localised resource bundles for French, German and Spanish languages (thanks to Anthony Boulestreau, Thomas Meier and Hans-Jurgen Greiner for the translations). An area XY plot and meter chart contributed by Hari. Symbol charts contributed by Anthony Boulestreau. An improved CandleStickRenderer class from Sylvain Vieujot. Updated servlet code from Bryan Scott. XYItemRenderers now have a change listener mechanism and therefore do not have to be immutable. Additional demonstration applications for individual chart types. Minor bug fixes.... read more

Posted by David Gilbert 2002-04-09

JFreeChart 0.8.0 Released

This version includes a new logarithmic axis, some additional JDBC and servlet sample code, new resource bundle classes for user interface items that require localisation, and better support for time zones in the time series classes.

Posted by David Gilbert 2002-03-25

JFreeChart 0.7.4 Released

Includes bug fixes in the JCommon class library for the combined datasets and the time period classes.

Posted by David Gilbert 2002-03-07

JFreeChart 0.7.3 Released

Contains bug fixes, otherwise no major changes.

Posted by David Gilbert 2002-02-20

JFreeChart 0.7.2 Released

New features include a wind plot (based on code contributed by Achilleus Mantzios), an optional background image for the chart or plot, alpha transparency, and bug fixes.

Posted by David Gilbert 2002-02-09

JFreeChart 0.7.1 Released

New features include tooltips, crosshairs, zooming and some important bug fixes.

Posted by David Gilbert 2002-01-25

JFreeChart 0.7.0 Released

It's been on for a couple of weeks - sorry for not getting it to SourceForge in a timely manner.



Posted by David Gilbert 2001-12-30

JFreeChart 0.6.0 Released

A new version of JFreeChart is now available for download. Version 0.6.0 includes 3D bar charts, a new scatter plot, enhanced pie charts, additional data interfaces, bug fixes and numerous other improvements.

Posted by David Gilbert 2001-11-28

Feature Requests

I'm now using the new Feature Request tracker. Previously, feature requests were logged as tasks - these have been deleted.

Posted by David Gilbert 2001-03-07