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A bit of history

Back to the old times in IT (this is just about 40 or 50 years ago) programmers used to write ... programs.

Each program was a single, solid, monolitic unit performing a concrete process among many others. In a scenario dominated by batch processing, programs used to read an input and write an output, normally stored in files, even on tape or hard disk. Interactive programs were later designed in a similar way, where the terminal was seen just as another input (the keyboard) or output (the screen) device.

But interactive programs presented also other challenges: end users were working simultaneously, performing small units of work in comparison to the large transactions of batch processing. File locking and consistency assurance needed to be handled repeatedly among all the programs accessing the same files.

SQL to the rescue

At the beginning of the 70s, databases were born, coming to solve these issues and standardize data access for all programs. No more need to ensure consistency on each program, you just declare it once and it will be ensured by the database management system.

Interestingly, the new solution also needed to elaborate new concepts and solve problems that arise only when trying to resolve something from a new perspective. By solving data access issues in a general way, vague concepts needed to be precisely defined and new ones came on place. Transactions and the need for characteristics like atomicity and isolation became then clear whilst consistency and durability were already well-known since working with random files.

Same old problem

Did it ever happen to you, to let your room or apartment become totally chaotic ? If you are male and ever lived alone, you probably did. But one day (specially when receiving visitors of the other sex) you decide to organize it better. It seems that after arranging a couple of things or cleaning here and there, it will be done. But then, it turns up that the big problems were hiding other ones and you end up struggling with the things and your progress is blocked at a certain point, no matter how much effort you make. Something similar can happen also in other areas, like IT.

With SQL, a new layer was introduced between data and programs, encapsulating several common features and exposing data as the result of a request expressed in a certain language. But then, programs evolved into systems.

When programmers needed to write just programs that were running isolated from each other, a single unit of code was perfectly understandable for the author and (sometimes) also for other people that needed to maintain it. But as complexity increased, so did the size of these programs that were then partitioned into modules, modules that sometimes could even be reused among other programs and then ... it was not possible to modify these modules again, without affecting the other programs that were using them.

Again, you have an object that is being handled by many others (before it was the data, now are the modules) and you cannot easily maintain it without considering how each other is using it.

OOP to the rescue

If encapsulating data in a database was a good solution for data access, why not to try the same for the structure of the programs?

In this case, the interface was not a language (programs are already written in one) but public methods.

Object Oriented Programming enforced concepts already known from modular programming, like cohesion, connection, etc., but it also brought them to a new level by a change in the paradigm.

Even though the roots of this approach are coming from a different source, they also end up encapsulating data but additionally, an object is also defined by its "behavior", i.e. the logic around the data.

What are you trying to solve?

The formulation of a problem is often more essential than its solution, which may be merely a matter of mathematical or experimental skill. - Albert Einstein

According to this short tale of IT history, there was a first paradigm related to programming that we can call a "black box" approach. The idea is that a program can be defined by its input/output and how the result is achieved should be just implementation details.

Black Box

Later, when data was encapsulated into databases a new layer was introduced. The output of a request is the corresponding response and at DB layer it can also produce modifications in the data being stored. From this point of view, the "core" of a system resides in its data. A database model was for many years, the centric representation based on which people communicate and programs were built.

Db Paradigm

Then, due to maintainability problems remaining in the system box, a new approach proposed to proceed further with the partition and encapsulation of the problem domain until each single object containing data and behavior is strongly cohesive and loosly coupled with the rest, facilitating its maintenance and reuse.

Object Oriented Paradigm

Further refinements of this approach proposed different classifications of the myriad of resulting objects, so that those responsible for data access, business logic or user interface can be grouped and the work better organized.

In this OO approach however, focus was moved from data storage to object lifecycle. A user request can be modelled as a series of interactions (object messages) sent among them and the data repository was sometimes even seen by extrem positions as a necessary evil. The core of a system is now the object model and its persistance is only needed to keep the state between uptimes. The name of the most famous java persistence framework (Hibernate) cleary represents this idea.

Same old problem

Many years ago, IT was struggling each time several programs were accessing and modifying records in the same random file. Data was encapsulated, exposed through a well-defined interface (SQL) and problem solved. Like in any problem chain, once a problem is solved, the other ones become visible. Next was then code organization, so code units were grouped around the data they were handling or into helper classes and later classified according to the layer they belong to. So far, so good. Except that end users are still unhappy, specially in large corporations.

One of the reasons for this dissatisfaction might be that end users do not understand (and are not interested into) the technical details of the solution. Being a technical person this might be seen as a problem of the end user, but the fact is that they are the customers who are paying to get the work done. Imagine now that you hire construction specialists to build your new house and after years of viewing the never-ending construction, these specialists are more and more happy, because technical improvements allow them to demolish and rebuild the same parts time after time, better and better. They might be right, and each local enhancement is certainly that, a local enhancement. But you are interested in getting the whole house finished.[1]

It looks like IT sometimes makes small "jumps" every time it is struggling with the same issues time after time. Like if you decide to close the door of your chaotic room or just throw everything away, a new way of viewing the things normally helps to approach the topic from a different angle and then, the solution becomes evident.

FQL to the rescue

We can talk about databases or about programming approaches like procedural, object-oriented, functional, logical. But in none of these cases, we will be talking about what the end user really wants. The harsh reality is that they do not care about these topics. For them, the final result is the only thing that matters and being in their position, where IT is nothing else than a mean to achieve a goal, they are totally right.

An important point when you try to solve a problem is to define its domain. In the case of Databases, it was data. When talking about OOP, it was code and how to organize it. In FQL the domain is (not surprisingly) Forms.

What are FORMS?


It is called FORM and not User Transaction, because the intention is to bring everything closer to the end user. For an end user, it is much easier to understand that there is a Form "Customers" rather than a User Transaction "Customers". A form is something a user can immediately visualize (and this is the intention). Without coming to the detailed characteristics of FQL, we will see here how a different domain affects the way of thinking and solving problems.

  • top-down approach
  • (hacer grafos de las sentencias)
  • define & use
  • a change in the data repository is again the ultimate purpose of a user request
  • domain is not any technical representation (data or object model)
  • domain is now closer to end-user
  • why screens are important screen <<-> data model
  • rules in natural, structured languages
  • ...?
  • new concepts (extended integrity, ...)
  • system encapsulation of common features (optmistic locking, etc.)
  • ...


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