
Ini file processing implemented in JFig 1.5 ?

  • gbecavin-fr

    gbecavin-fr - 2005-02-01

    I've just downloaded and installed JFig 1.5.

    With the code below :

    try { JFig.initialize();}
    catch (Exception e) {System.out.println(e);}

    and the env var -Dconfig.filename=data/test.ini

    and the test.ini file containing :


    I've the exception "org.igfay.jfig.JFigException: Ini file processing not currently implemented."

    Is that message saying the truth ? Or did I make a mistake ? I've seen nothing about that on the web site.

    If the ini file processing is not yet implemented, is there any plan to have that done ? When ?

    Thank's by advance for your answer.


    • Bruce Conrad

      Bruce Conrad - 2005-02-02

      I'm very sorry to say I just haven't kept up with the INI file processing. There just hasn't been ini demand for it. JFig's original incarnation was before xml and INI files was the standard. I'll update the doc to reflect this.

      If you had any inclination, to do this, it probably wouldn't be that difficult. It's just a matter of parsing the files. All of the variable substitution and configuration dictionaries would stay the same.

      The other suggestion would be to use xml.

      Again, sorry for the misleading documentation.

      • gbecavin-fr

        gbecavin-fr - 2005-02-02

        Thanks for your answer. When (if...) I have free time, I'll give a look inside the classes to see the impact for implementing INI process.
        I keep JFig for XML config files.


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