
JFCM / News: Recent posts

New release 1.4.1 - bugfixes

  • fixed bug in FcmIO.saveAsXml(): wrong schema version in XML output, uses 1.1 but should be 1.2;
  • Refactored FcmIO.saveAsXml() to
Posted by Dimitri De Franciscis 2012-11-22

Version 1.4.0 has new package structure

Version 1.4.0 is out. The most notable (and disrupting!) change is the new package structure:

  • moved ConceptActivator and FcmConncetion implementations in sub-packages:
    • org.megadix.jfcm.act : ConceptActivator implementations;
    • org.megadix.jfcm.conn : FcmConnection implementations;

Moreover, Visitor design pattern was implemented to ease the development of serializers (XML, JSON, etc.), map analyzers, etc.

Posted by Dimitri De Franciscis 2012-10-25

new version: 1.3.2

bugfix release

Posted by Dimitri De Franciscis 2012-07-24

JFCM now accepting donations!

Beside submitting bug reports and patches, now you can help also donating through Sourceforge PayPal donation service

Posted by Dimitri De Franciscis 2012-07-21

New Release 1.2 - bugfixes and new features

12 map.execute() should really have two phases

13 Add method CognitiveMap.reset() that resets every Concept to null

14 Create a deep copy constructor on CognitiveMap

2 XML output from FcmIO.saveAsXml() should include namespace

15 Backport LinearConceptActivator from 2.0-SNAPSHOT

7 Backport time delay to WeightedConnection from 2.0-SNAPSHOT

Posted by Dimitri De Franciscis 2012-05-25

New Release 1.1.0 with XML schema changes

This release ha both improvements and bugfixes:
- moved threshold to BaseConceptActivator;
- bugfix: threshold was not used in transfer functions!
- added LinearConceptActivator;
- modification in XML format;
- XSD namespace fixes

Posted by Dimitri De Franciscis 2012-04-16

Updated docs for JFCM

"Your first fuzzy cognitive map" guide has been improved with some more detailed examples:

Posted by Dimitri De Franciscis 2012-04-09

Experimental module: jfcm-jfuzzylogic

jfcm-jfuzzylogic has been committed to SVN!
This module enables fuzzy-powered activation rules for cognitive maps, and uses jfuzzylogic for fuzzy inference:

Posted by Dimitri De Franciscis 2011-04-06

Bugfix version: 1.0.5

Major bugfixes, backwards compatible at API-level

Posted by Dimitri De Franciscis 2011-04-01

New 1.0.4, update STRONGLY recommended!

I had the time to finally fix the most important bug in JFCM.
In short: calculation of concept outputs, up to version 1.0.3, was incorrect!
Now BaseConceptActivator.activate() uses a two steps algorithm:
- recalculates incoming connections' output;
- calculates Concept's output.

Posted by Dimitri De Franciscis 2011-03-16

New version 1.0.3

A new version has been released today: 1.0.3
It is a bugfix release, but many non-visible enhancements have bben carried out to source code:
- small bugfixes, no changes to APIs;
- better Maven-based reporting: Checkstyle, javadoc, PMD and, most important, Cobertura test coverage;
- all the Maven.generated html reports above are now published on the main website, in the Project Info page: read more

Posted by Dimitri De Franciscis 2010-09-17