
JettyLauncher / News: Recent posts

Project closed, new project started

After about 2 years of hardly any activity and several attempts to get people to take over the project, this project is officially retiring.

A simpler (easier to use and maintain) project is created at

Posted by Eelco Hillenius 2007-12-31

JettyLauncher 1.4.1 Released

- Fixes JettyLauncher to work with Java 1.4

NOTE: versions 1.4.X support Eclipse 3.2. Versions 1.3.X support Eclipse 3.0-3.1. Version 1.2.2 is the last version to support Eclipse 2.1.

Posted by Brian Wallace 2006-05-07

JettyLauncher 1.4.0 Released

- Fixes JettyLauncher to work with Eclipse 3.2
- Fixes the download to be a valid archive site

NOTE: versions 1.4.X support Eclipse 3.2. Versions 1.3.X support Eclipse 3.0-3.1. Version 1.2.2 is the last version to support Eclipse 2.1.

Posted by Brian Wallace 2006-04-23

JettyLauncher 1.3.0 released

- Fixes several issues that were introduced in Eclipse 3.1M7.
- Support for osgi, updated some of the resource loading to use osgi
- Use Eclipse 3 sourcepath lookup

NOTE: versions from 1.3.0 on will only support Eclipse 3.x. Version 1.2.2 is the last version to support Eclipse 2.1.

Posted by Eelco Hillenius 2005-05-23

JettyLauncher 1.2.1

This release supports JDK (1.)5 and has some minor fixes (see bugdatabase).

Posted by Eelco Hillenius 2004-10-11