
New JETT Version

  • Rustam

    Rustam - 2020-01-27

    HI, Randy Gettman!

    When will the new version of JETT be released taking into account the new versions of the Apache POI, XML Beans, Apache Commons JEXL, Apache Commons Logging, SourceForge's jAgg, JUnit, HSQLDB, Log4J 2 libraries?


  • Anjana

    Anjana - 2021-05-17

    Hi ,

    We too are interested to know when new version of Jett be available .

    We are actively looking at jett to use in our project wanted to understand how active is this community or is there any enterprise version available.


  • Etienne Canaud

    Etienne Canaud - 2021-05-18

    Hi Anjana,

    I really hope that we could get Randy Gettman's answer on this but unfortunately he's been really quiet since the last JETT version was released 3 years ago (0.11). You can still find JETT'ers to answer your questions though, either on this forum or on Stackoverflow.

    There's no sign that this project will get a new release any time soon, but that shouldn't be completely blocking you from considering it for your project. The source code is well written and there's good unit testing if you're not afraid of getting your hands dirty in the rare cases where something goes wrong. I've been using JETT for years already, and so far it's been proving extremely useful and reliable.

    Now, if you're looking at other options for Excel Templating in Java that are still actively maintained, you may want to look at JXLS. The version 1 was (in my humble opinion) vastly inferior to JETT, but since then they've completely rewritten the code in version 2.0 and have addressed most of the design issues - as well as introduced some really nice improvements. For example, putting tags in cell comments makes template much easier to read. I feel that the JETT/JXLS comparison provided at should be refreshed to take all the latest JXLS improvement into account, so don't just base your decision solely on it.
    That being said I don't have any experience of using JXLS 2+ in production (unlike with JETT), so take this with a pinch of salt.

  • Brian Cullen

    Brian Cullen - 2021-09-11

    I ran into the same issue so have made a pull request on the github repository with a version that seems to work with POI version 5.0 if that is of use to anyone. I'm going to see if I can get it merged into the main repo otherwise I might just publish it as a separate artifact.

  • SuperPat

    SuperPat - 2021-12-17

    This project really need an active github fork
    or we will have to consider migrating to jXLS...


    Last edit: SuperPat 2021-12-17
  • tran4o

    tran4o - 2022-09-07

    Hi, i made an github repo containing the last version with updated dependencies (poi5 + commons-jexl3). Almost all tests pass, still not used in production so further work may be needed.


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