
jet tags

  • ekaii

    ekaii - 2007-04-12

    It's me again.
    I have tried different jet tags in a text node such as scritptlets (<%%>), and this is great.
    I have also tried custom xml tags and I can't get control tag 'if' to work.
    Here is my example to check that the attribute called SlideName as a value of 1:

        <c:if test="$var/@SlideName = '1'">
            xml jet tag if was TRUE

    but the jetset generated java code does not consider this tag as a tag, it simply adds it as a simple text.
    Is this expected or am I doing something wrong?
    I have manage to do the same test using scriptlets but wanted to check custom XML tags caus a few of them are interesting for me.


    • Helge Timenes

      Helge Timenes - 2007-04-13

      Howdy SeB

      JetSet currently uses  "JET1" which is a part of EMF. The custom XML tags was introduced in "JET2", which has also become a standalone project. Custom XML tags are thus currently not supported in JetSet, but it probably will be in the near future.


      • ekaii

        ekaii - 2007-04-13

        Thanks for your answer,
        I can't wait to be using those tags as they provide very flexible commands.



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