
Java Enterprise Turbine / News: Recent posts

JetInjector - Now you can write your own injectors

Wit this release you can write own injectors for method based dependency injection, enjoy! Also some minor bugs get fixed.

Bugs fixed:
2702735 gzip and queued action fails
2702752 reportJavascriptError does not work

Features added:
2702738 Add build numbers to build file
2702743 add possibliy to specify own injectors
2702751 add javascript logging

Posted by Markus Meisters 2009-03-25

ExtJS integrated, multifile support, whitespace wiping

extjs integration is completed all html elements can be rendered as extjs element.

JetMashupProxy and JetResourceServlet got header-support so you can specify which headers get set on the response (for caching etc.)

To save client side interpreter time and bandwidth JetResourceServlet can wipe whitespaces within css, js and html.

Multifile support on JetMashupProxy and JetResourceServlet if you want to include several js files, then just one request e.g. to the resource servlet is necessary to fetch content of all files necessary, just specifiy all files as request parameter.... read more

Posted by Markus Meisters 2008-12-19

Mockup Proxy, ExtJS integration and server based config

Biggest improvements are Mockup Proxy, ExtJS integration and the server based configuration

bugs fixed:


Posted by Markus Meisters 2008-03-09

New major release 2.0.0 is out!

New major release is out! Highlights are the AJAX integration for validation and client side localization of the displayed site. Also all examples were reviewed and using Freemarker templates to render hole example pages. The homepages also is completely rebuilded and restrucured. We started to add tutorials showing you how easily it is using JET.

bugs fixed:
1788915-JetDisplayMessage-has-no-refid... read more

Posted by Markus Meisters 2007-10-04

successfully migrated to svn

Today the JET cvs repository is igrated successfully to svn:

Posted by Markus Meisters 2007-09-19

ajax based validation inplemented

Done - Ajax based validation is now inplemented and in codebase. This was the last big feature for version 2.0. We plan to distribute 2.0 at end of september.

Posted by Markus Meisters 2007-09-06

cvs Structure redesigned and build files created

CVS Structure redesigned and build files created, so it should be easy to checkout from cvs and build the complete project

Posted by Markus Meisters 2007-09-05

JET - Java Enterprise Turbine 1.4 with bedder localization

new features:
1704144 adding support for global localization files
1704146 adding support for localisation self implementing classes
1720175 Jet examples can't be executed under Windows

Posted by Markus Meisters 2007-07-04

JET - Java Enterprise Turbine 1.3 released

The new version comes with global exception handling, improved web.xml configuration definition parsing and the new Freemarker 2.3.10

Posted by Markus Meisters 2007-05-20

JSES support included

hi @all,

the new version supports javascript event bindings via jses. Please have a look on the index site of teh examples to see the css,jses generated files and the example onmouseover event on the jet image bound.


Posted by Markus Meisters 2007-05-06

new version 1.1 out providing new features!


the new bugfix version 1.1 provides also new features like annotations, please have a look on the release notes for all bgfixes/features.


Posted by Markus Meisters 2007-05-01

annotations providing new cool features


the last features inplemented were based on annotations. Now pre/post actions and special exception handling is now possible. Also we implemented new and easy annotation for defining the action based validation.


Posted by Markus Meisters 2007-04-29

Final Release 1 is out!

Final Release is out! Feel free to try out and discuss in the forum. If you want to join the project, feel free to contact us, you are welcome!

Posted by Markus Meisters 2007-03-30

Release Candidate 2 released - production/stable

Most changes are performance changes found with the netbeans profiler. At least the freeform action method throws no Exception if a invalid class type was specified, just prints a warning message and provides a null-Object instead.

Now we changed the status to "production/stable". Enjoy and if you find busg, just open bug reports and we will fix it as soon as possible.

Posted by Markus Meisters 2007-01-22

Release Candidate 1 is done and new examples online

All features are now done for 1.0 and a lot of bugfixes also - many thanks to all contributors! The rc1 comes now with the new design.

There are two new examples. First example the database.jet showing how to use the database access. The second example is a simple file based guestbook showing how easy it is to detect form submission and errors on validation and to act on it.

Posted by Markus Meisters 2006-12-18

online examples show now also the java source code

Hi @all,

new bugfix version shows now also the java source code

Posted by Markus Meisters 2006-10-20

bet3 is to become release candidate1


tests looks well and as it seems the beta3 is stable .

Posted by Markus Meisters 2006-10-13

Feature freeze

Hi @all,

today it's feature freeze, so all features are iplemented for release 1.0. Feel free to test and create bug entries!

Posted by Markus Meisters 2006-10-09