
#23 Add progress per file


I think it is important to add some progress
indication on a per file basis. A minimum change
would be to put in the console information about a
change being attempted as they are attempted. A
better, but obviously more time consuming, change
would be to provide some asynchronous monitor

The minimum information necessary would just be the
index of the attempted change. This index could then
be compared to the file size and used as rough but
useful gauge of progress on a given file. Obviously
we could go further with this if we had time, like
pre-determining the number of changes to be attempted
per file and using that as the progress measure.

The use case for this is how I would commonly use
Jester. During development I run Jester on a small
subset of the code that I am working on say, 1 or 2
files. In those cases the current progress
indication on the console is insufficient.

The reason I am asking for either console output or
an asynchronous monitor is for plugin development.
Again, this is the most useful way for me to use
Jester and I just want the plugin to be capable of
having a better progress indication.


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