
Source release

  • Orion Poplawski

    Orion Poplawski - 2009-10-05

    A source-only release with Unix line endings would be appreciated, if not too much trouble.

  • Martin Jericho

    Martin Jericho - 2009-10-09

    Can you explain how a separate source only release would be useful?  Why is it relevant which sort of line endings are used?

  • Orion Poplawski

    Orion Poplawski - 2009-10-09

    I would like to package jericho-html for Fedora.  It requires the package to be built from source, and the source files should have proper (for the platform - Linux) line endings.  Thanks.

  • Martin Jericho

    Martin Jericho - 2009-10-09

    I'm still not sure why you can't take the source from the normal release and convert it, which is a very simple task.  There are typically only one or two releases a year.

  • Orion Poplawski

    Orion Poplawski - 2009-10-09

    I agree it is not a major issue.  The presence of the .jar files add a bit of extra size, but again not too much.  If it's too much trouble, I can live with it.


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