
Java 5 support

  • Erik Putrycz

    Erik Putrycz - 2008-06-19

    Any chances for a Java 5 version of Jericho with typed collections? It would save some ugly casts...


    • Martin Jericho

      Martin Jericho - 2008-06-20

      The main reason this hasn't happened is because I'm using it in a major project that is still stuck on java 4.1 (government department!).  That project is finishing up soon so I might branch a Java 5 version and just do bug fixes on the Java 4 version.

    • Erik Putrycz

      Erik Putrycz - 2008-06-23

      Another option would be to provide simply a Java 5 wrapper around the Java 1.4 version, this way you would not really need to maintain both versions.

      Btw, where is the 2.6-dev version?


    • Martin Jericho

      Martin Jericho - 2008-07-12

      A Java 5 based beta version of Jericho HTML Parser is available for download:

      See the announcement here for details:


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