
Collate record not working

  • Manish

    Manish - 2013-02-14

    I created a JENSOR project named Test.

    I am using JBOSS7 as the application server and I wanted to profile server side classes.

    In the includelists.txt I specified the package name.

    Then I specify the JAVA_OPTS in the startup configuration as
       JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Xms1024m -Xmx3076m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:ParallelGCThreads=8 -Dorg.jboss.resolver.warning=true -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=3600000"

    I am able to start and stop session but while I select collate record I get a message stating output not related to this project.

    I verified the project name. It is "Test" with no case difference in the JAVA_OPTS.

    Kindly assist.

  • Amol Khanapurkar

    That's strange.

    We have 2 options that we can pursue.

    1) Option 1 :- Offline collation
    2) Option 2 :- Debug why the collation is not happening

    Lets pursue option 1 for now so that you get your profiling data. Follow these steps
    1) Run your JBoss as you normally do. Start the session and then Stop it
    2) Just go to $JENSOR_HOME/output directory and check that the data in JensorProfile.txt is a few KBs atleast and other .txt and .csv files too are non-zero in size.
    3) Zip the contents of this folder and ship it to your local machine where you want to analyze the data
    4) Open JAW and without opening a project do Mode -> Offline collate
    5) It will ask you for a zip file. Feed it the zip file which you created on the JBoss server.
    6) If Test project exists, it will add a Session to the project. If the project does not exist, it will create it.
    7) Open Test project, identify the Session and you should be able to analyze your profiling data.

    For more details refer Usage manual section 3.2.1

    Let me know how it goes.


  • Manish

    Manish - 2013-02-20

    Dear Amol,

    I stopped the session.
    Then zipped the contents of the ouput and performed an offline collation.
    It created a new project and then I could see the execution summary

    Thank you :)

  • Amol Khanapurkar

    Good to know Manish. Thanks for updating.

    Try the regular method now - i.e. Online collation

    If that still does not work, do you have the time and the inclination to troubleshoot it? I foresee that very soon you will grow tired of doing offline collation. Its better to keep online collation working.

    Let me know if option 2 should now be pursued.

    - Amol :)


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